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detention home
: a house of detention for juvenile delinquents usually under supervision of the local juvenile court
detention centre
Significant progress has been made in the use of non-custodial measures, which has reduced overcrowding in detention centres and resulted in an improvement in the care provided to children and adolescents who fall foul of the criminal law.
在采取非监禁措施方面取得了重大进展,从而减轻了少年管教所人满为患的 状况,并因此可以更好地关照那些触犯《刑法》的未成年人。
correctional institution
[...]necessary reforms in policy and practice to strengthen human rights-based programmes in correctional institutions in Africa.
研究所与各国主管部门一道,计划通过必要的政策和实践改革以及加强 非洲各管教所基于人权的方案来解决监狱人满为患问题。
de·ten·tion / diˈtenʃn / noun1. [U] the state of being kept in a place, especially a prison, and prevented from leaving
a sentence of 12 months' detention in a young offender institution
在青少年教养院拘禁 12 个月的判决
police powers of arrest and detention
allegations of torture and detention without trial
a detention camp
2. [U, C] the punishment of being kept at school for a time after other students have gone home
They can't give me (a) detention for this.
⇨ see also detain
/dıˈtɛnʃən/ noun , pl -tions
1 a : the act of keeping someone in a prison or similar place
[ noncount ] the detention of suspected terrorists
detention camps/facilities
[ count ] The jail is only used for brief detentions.
1 b [ noncount ] : the state of being kept in a prison or similar place
Dozens of protesters were held/kept in detention for six hours. [=were detained for six hours]
2 : a punishment in which a student is required to stay at school after the rest of the students have left
[ count ] They both got/received three detentions this year.
[ noncount ] He got detention for being late to class.