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1. the run-up to sth, the period of time just before an important event
• 〔重要事件的〕前夕:
»in the run-up to the election
2. [C] the act of running, or the distance that you run, before you kick a ball, jump over a pole etc
• 〔踢球、跳高等之前的〕助跑; 助跑距离
It was in the run-up to Christmas of 1996 that a 911 operator received a call from a six-year-old boy telling her that someone had killed his mother and father.
noun (BrE)
1. (also less frequent 'run-in) ~ (to sth) a period of time leading up to an important event; the preparation for this
an increase in spending in the run-up to Christmas
during the run-up to the election
2. the act of running or the distance you run, to gain speed before you jump a long distance, throw a ball, etc.
run up
run up [ phrasal verb ]
1 run up (something) or run (something) up
1 a : to raise (a flag) to the top of a flagpole
To celebrate our victory, we ran up our flag.
1 b : to achieve (a large score or lead)
Our team ran up a big lead in the first quarter.
(US) She angrily accused the other coach of deliberately running up the score. [=continuing to try to score more points even though they are not needed to win a game]
1 c : to increase the amount of (something)
These extras will run the bill up another $100.
1 d : to get (a large bill, debt, etc.) by buying many things without making payments
— often + up
She ran up a large phone bill.
He ran up a lot of debt on his credit cards.
2 run up against (something) : to experience (something difficult) : encounter
She has run up against a lot of opposition.
He has run up against a bug in his computer program.
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Main Entry: run