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incantation in∙can∙ta∙tion / ˌɪnkænˈteʃən ; ˌɪnkænˈteɪʃən /
◙noun [C,U]
1. special words that someone uses in magic, or the act of saying these words
• 咒语; 念咒语:
»a book of spells and incantations
incarnation in∙car∙na∙tion / ˌɪnkɑrˈneʃən ; ˌɪnkɑːˈneɪʃən /
1. [C,U] the state of living in the form of a particular person or animal. According to some religions, people have several different incarnations.
• 〔某些宗教中的〕前世,今世,来世;
--› reincarnation :
»She believes she was an Egyptian queen in a previous incarnation .
2. [C] a period of time when someone or something has a particular job, use etc
• 〔某人做某项工作,某物的用途等的〕阶段:
»The building has gone through several incarnations, as a station, cafe, and most recently a club.
3. the / an incarnation of sth, someone who has a lot of a particular quality, or represents it
• 某事物的化身:
»She was the incarnation of wisdom.
4. [sing.] the act of God coming to Earth in the human form of Christ, according to the Christian religion
• 〔基督教的〕道成肉身〔指上帝化身成基督来到人间〕