发表于 2022-3-9 09:58:53
The Golden Lotus (CHAPTER 2 Pan Jinlian) (Part 6)
You may have guessed who this man was. None other than that chief of those who sought the pleasures of the couch, that captain of those who gather precious treasure and pursue unlawful fragrance, his Lordship Ximen. His third wife had just died and been given a solemn burial and, being distressed in mind, he was taking a stroll along the street intending to call upon Ying Bojue and thus secure a little distraction from his gloom. As he passed by Wu Da's house, he received, as we have seen, an unexpected blow on the head. But now that he had seen Jinlian under the lattice, Master Ximen went home again. "That was a splendid woman," he thought. "I wonder how I can get hold of her." He suddenly remembered old woman Wang, the neighbor who kept a tea shop. "She seems a clever old body," he said to himself, "and, if she can bring this affair to the conclusion I desire, she shall have a few taels of silver." He did not stay to eat anything, but hurried off to the street and dashed to old woman Wang's tea shop. He went in and took a seat, looking out beneath the awning.
"That was a very fine bow you made, Sir," said old woman Wang, laughing.
"Please come here, Stepmother,"
Ximen said. "That young neighbor of yours—er—that young woman—ahem— whose wife is she?"
"Oh," the old woman replied, "she is the sister of the King of Hell, the daughter of General Wu Dao. What makes you ask?"
"Don't treat the matter as a joke,"
Ximen said. "I am speaking seriously."
"Surely you know, Sir," said old woman Wang. "Her husband sells cakes outside the Town Hall."
"What! Xu the Third?" Ximen said.
The old woman shook her head. "No, if it were he, they would be something like a pair. Guess again, Sir."
"Perhaps it is Li the Third, then: he sells cakes."
The old woman shook her head again. "No, if he were the man, I should think they were perfectly matched."
"Well, then," Ximen cried, "it must be Liu Xiao. You know: the man they call Tattooed Arms."
Still the old woman laughed. "No," she said, "even if it were he, I should say they were a well-mated couple. Guess once more, Sir."
"I can't guess, Stepmother," Ximen said almost in despair, while the old woman roared with laughter.
"Well, I'll tell you. Her husband is that fellow Wu Da, who hawks his cakes about the streets."
When Ximen Qing heard this, he nearly jumped out of his chair. "You can't mean that Wu Da whom people call Tom Thumb or Old Scraggy Bark."
"That is the man," replied the old woman.
"Good Heavens," Ximen cried. "What a tasty piece of lamb to fall into a dog's mouth. However can it have happened?"
"It is always the same," old woman Wang replied. "You always find a beautiful horse ridden by some fool of a man, and a pretty girl sleeping with a husband who is not fit to be seen.
The old Man in the Moon works things that way."
"How much do I owe you?" Ximen said.
"Nothing worth mentioning," the old woman replied. "We will leave it till another time."
"With whom is your son Wang Chao working now?" Ximen asked.
"He is away with a merchant, a native of Huai, but really he has been away so long that I don't know whether he's alive or dead."
"Why not let him come to me? He seems to be a smart lad."
"I am glad he meets with your approval."
"Very well," Ximen said, "when he comes back we must talk about the matter again." He thanked the old woman and went away. But in less than no time he was back again, sitting once more near the door that looked upon Wu Da's house.
"May I offer you some damson broth, Sir?" said old woman Wang, when she came out.
"I should like some very much,"
Ximen said, "but let it be a little sour, if you don't mind." The old woman made the broth, and offered it to him with both hands. When he had finished it, he put down the cup. "You make excellent damson broth, Stepmother," he said. "Have you got many dam-sons in your room there?"
"I have dealt in damsons all my life,"
the old woman said, "but I never keep them in my room."
"I was talking about damsons, not damsels," said Ximen. "You are getting a little mixed up."
"It was damsels you were thinking about, nonetheless," the old lady retorted.
"Well," said Ximen, "you admit you sell damsels. What about finding one for me? If you can let me have a nice tasty one, you won't lose by it."
"You are only teasing me," the old woman said. "If your wife heard about it, my old face would have a rough time."
"Not at all," Ximen said. "My wife is a most amiable woman, and I have several girls already, but none of them is exactly what I want. If you have a really good girl on your books, you must introduce her to me. I don't care whether she is somebody else's leavings or not, but she must be a woman who will satisfy me."
"Ah," the old woman said, "a few days ago I did hear of an excellent girl, but I'm afraid she wouldn't do for you."
"If she is the right stuff, just go ahead, and you shall be well paid for your pains."
"She is more than usually good-looking," said the old lady, "but rather old, perhaps."
"Well," said Ximen, "people have always said that a middle-aged woman has a charm all her own. It will not put me off if she happens to be a year or two older than I am. But how old is she?"
"She was born under the planet Mercury and her animal is the Pig, so as my reckoning goes, she will be ninety-three years old next New Year."
"You crazy old woman," Ximen cried.
"Why do you screw up your silly old face and make fun all the time?" It was getting late and he decided to go away. The old woman had lighted her lamp and was going to fasten the gate, when Ximen Qing once again appeared. He sat down under the awning and gazed with longing eyes at Wu Da's house.
"Would you like a little allspice soup?" old woman Wang said.
"Yes, please," said Ximen, "but let it be sweet." The old woman hastily brought some soup, and he ate it all.
看官听说,这人你道是谁?却原来正是那嘲风弄月的班头,拾翠寻香的元帅,开生药铺复姓西门单讳一个庆字的西门大官人便是。只因他第三房妾卓二姐死了,发送了当,心中不乐,出来街上行走,要寻应伯爵到那里去散心耍子。却从这武大门前经过,不想撞了这一下子在头上。却说这西门大官人自从帘子下见了那妇人一面,到家寻思道:“好一个雌儿,怎能够得手?”猛然想起那间壁卖茶王婆子来,堪可如此如此,这般这般:“撮合得此事成,我破费几两银子谢他,也不值甚的。”于是连饭也不吃,走出街上闲游,一直径踅入王婆茶坊里来,便去里边水帘下坐了。王婆笑道:“大官人却才唱得好个大肥喏!”西门庆道:“干娘,你且来,我问你,间壁这个雌儿是谁的娘子?”王婆道:“他是阎罗大王的妹子,五道将军的女儿,问他怎的?”西门庆道:“我和你说正话,休要取笑。”王婆道:“大官人怎的不认得?他老公便是县前卖熟食的。”西门庆道:“莫不是卖枣糕徐三的老婆?”王婆摇手道:“不是,若是他,也是一对儿。大官人再猜。”西门庆道:“敢是卖馉饳的李三娘子儿?”王婆摇手道:“不是,若是他,倒是一双。”西门庆道:“莫不是花胳膊刘小二的婆儿?”王婆大笑道:“不是,若是他时,又是一对儿。大官人再猜。”西门庆道:“干娘,我其实猜不着了。”王婆哈哈笑道:“我好交大官人得知了罢,他的盖老便是街上卖炊饼的武大郎。”西门庆听,跌脚笑道: “莫不是人叫他三寸丁谷树皮的武大么?”王婆道:“正是他。”西门庆听了,叫起苦来,说是:“好一块羊肉,怎生落在狗口里!”王婆道:“便是这般故事,自古骏马却驮痴汉走,美妻常伴拙夫眠。月下老偏这等配合。”西门庆道:“干娘,我少你多少茶果钱?”王婆道:“不多,由他,歇些时却算不妨。”西门庆又道: “你儿子王潮跟谁出去了?”王婆道:“说不的,跟了一个淮上客人,至今不归,又不知死活。”西门庆道:“却不交他跟我,那孩子倒乖觉伶俐。”王婆道:“若得大官人抬举他时,十分之好。”西门庆道:“待他归来,却再计较。”说毕,作谢起身去了。
约莫未及两个时辰,又踅将来王婆门首,帘边坐的,朝着武大门前半歇。王婆出来道:“大官人,吃个梅汤?”西门庆道:“最好多加些酸味儿。”王婆做了个梅汤,双手递与西门庆吃了。将盏子放下,西门庆道:“干娘,你这梅汤做得好,有多少在屋里?”王婆笑道:“老身做了一世媒,那讨不在屋里!”西门庆笑道: “我问你这梅汤,你却说做媒,差了多少!”王婆道:“老身只听得大官人问这媒做得好。”西门庆道:“干娘,你既是撮合山,也与我做头媒,说头好亲事,我自重重谢你。”王婆道:“看这大官人作戏!你宅上大娘子得知,老婆子这脸上怎吃得那耳刮子!”西门庆道:“我家大娘子最好性格。见今也有几个身边人在家,只是没一个中得我意的。你有这般好的,与我主张一个,便来说也不妨。若是回头人儿也好,只是要中得我意。”王婆道:“前日有一个倒好,只怕大官人不要。”西门庆道:“若是好时,与我说成了,我自重谢你。”王婆道:“生的十二分人才,只是年纪大些。”西门庆道:“自古半老佳人可共,便差一两岁也不打紧。真个多少年纪?”王婆道:“那娘子是丁亥生,属猪的,交新年却九十三岁了。”西门庆笑道:“你看这风婆子,只是扯着风脸取笑。”说毕,西门庆笑着起身去。看看天色晚了,王婆恰才点上灯来,正要关门,只见西门庆又踅将来,径去帘子底下凳子上坐下,朝着武大门前只顾将眼睃望。王婆道:“大官人吃个和合汤?”西门庆道:“最好!干娘放甜些。”王婆连忙取一钟来与西门庆吃了。 |