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astride 副词和介词 (注意区别stride)









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a∙stride / əˈstraɪd ; əˈstraɪd /
adv, prep
1. with one leg on each side of something
• 跨坐地; 跨骑地; 跨在…上:
»a photograph of my mother sitting astride a horse
2. on both sides of a river, road etc
• 跨越地; 跨越〔河、路等〕的两边:
»The ancient town of Bridgwater, astride the River Parrett, is an ideal touring centre.

astride / əˈstraid /
with one leg on each side of sth
   to sit  astride a horse / bike / chair
  (figurative) a town astride the river
1. with legs or feet wide apart
2. with six leg on each side

I. \əˈ-\ adverb
Etymology: a- (I) + stride (n.)
1. : with one leg on each side
< women seldom rode astride >
2. : with the legs stretched wide apart
< standing astride with arms folded >
II. preposition
1. : on or above and with one leg on each side of : bestriding
< astride a horse >
: straddling
< her little baby astride her hips — William Beebe >
2. : placed on lying on both sides of
< established frontier provinces along or astride the river — W.G.East >
< an enemy roadblock astride his regiment's supply route — New York Times >
3. : extending or stretching over or across (as from one limit to another) : spanning, bridging
< no single individual stands more firmly astride the history of England from 1906 onwards — Times Literary Supplement >
< stands astride two worlds — our own and the utterly alien world of the Greenland Eskimos — Jeannette Mirsky >

/ˈstraıd/ verb , always followed by an adverb or preposition, strides, strode /ˈstroʊd/, strid·den /ˈstrıdn̩/, strid·ing /ˈstraıdıŋ/ [  no obj  ]
  : to walk with very long steps
   She strode across the room towards me.
noun , pl   strides [  count  ]
  1 a : a long step
   She crossed the room in only a few strides.
   As he ran down the field, the defender kept up with him stride for stride. [=the defender ran next to him at the same speed]
  — sometimes used figuratively
   The company has matched its competitors stride for stride. [=has not fallen behind its competitors]
  1 b : the distance covered by a long step
   He was standing only a few strides away from me.
  2 : a way of walking
   He has a distinctive bouncy stride.
   She entered the room with a confident stride.
  3 : a change or improvement that brings someone closer to a goal
  — usually plural
   Great strides [=advances] have been made in the control of tuberculosis.
   The patient is making strides toward a complete recovery.
  break (your) stride
    chiefly US   : to stop walking or running in a regular and steady way
    He caught the ball and passed it to a teammate without breaking stride.
    — often used figuratively
    She graduated from college, went to law school, and without breaking stride joined a successful law firm.
  hit your stride (US)   ( or Brit   get into your stride)
   : to begin to do something in a confident and effective way after starting slowly
    Both teams seem to have hit their stride in the second half.
  off stride
   ◇ If you are walking or running and someone or something (chiefly US) throws/knocks you off (your) stride or (chiefly Brit) puts you off your stride, you are unable to continue walking or running steadily.
    Another runner bumped into him and threw/knocked him off his stride.
    These phrases are often used figuratively.
    She was surprised and thrown off stride [=thrown off balance] by the unexpected question.
    He was working steadily until an interruption put him off his stride.
  take (something) in stride (US)   ( or Brit   take (something) in your stride)
   : to deal with (something difficult or upsetting) in a calm way
    I thought she'd be upset, but she has taken the news in stride.

stride 相关的习惯用语
get into your 'stride (BrE) (AmE hit (your)'stride)
■begin to do sth with confidence and at a good speed after a slow, uncertain start 开始满怀信心地做某事;进入状态;开始上轨道:
She found the job difficult at first, but now she’s got into her stride and she loves it.

put sb off their 'stride/'stroke
■make sb take their attention off what they are doing and stop doing it so well 干扰;使分心;拖某人后腿:
All sorts of things can put a player off his stroke.

(match sb) ,stride for 'stride

■keep doing sth as well as sb else, even though they keep making it harder for you ﹙与某人﹚并驾齐驱;尽量不落后﹙于某人﹚:
We’ve managed to match our closest competitors stride for stride as regards prices.

take sth in your 'stride (BrE)(AmE take sth in 'stride)
■accept and deal with sth difficult without worrying about it too much 从容接受并应付;处之泰然:
Joey was upset when we moved house, but Ben seems to have taken it all in his stride.

■without breaking stride 另见breaking


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