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at·test / əˈtest /
verb (formal)
1. ~ (to sth) to show or prove that sth is true
SYN bear witness to :
▪ [V]
Contemporary accounts attest to his courage and determination.
▪ [also V that , VN]
2. to state that you believe that sth is true or genuine, for example in court
▪ [VN]
to attest a will
The signature was attested by ten witnesses.
▪ [also V that]
/əˈtɛst/ verb , -tests, -test·ed, -test·ing
formal : to show, prove, or state that something is true or real
[ no obj ]
— usually + to
I can attest to the truth of his statement.
The popularity of the treatment attests to its effectiveness. [=shows that it is effective]
[ + obj ] I can attest that what he has said is true.
The certificate attests the authenticity of the painting.
He was asked to attest [=authenticate] the will/signature.
— often used as (be) attested
The plant's presence in the ancient world is attested by fossils that have been found.
the first attested written language
at·tes·ta·tion /ˌæˌtɛsˈteıʃən/ noun , pl -tions [ count ]
the first attestations of written language
[ noncount ]
The signature required attestation.
at∙test / əˈtɛst ; əˈtest /
◙verb [formal]
1. [I,T] to show or prove that something is true
• 证明,作为(…的)证据:
▪ [+ to ]
»Luxurious furnishings attested to the wealth of the owner.
2. [T] to officially state that you believe something is true, especially in a court of law
• 〔尤指在法庭上〕证实