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\ ̷ ̷ˈ ̷ ̷nəbəl\ adjective
Etymology: probably from (assumed) Anglo-French amenable, from Middle French amener to lead up, bring (from Old French, from a- — from Latin ad- — + mener to lead, from Latin minare to drive, from minari to threaten) + -able — more at mount
a. : liable to be brought to account or judgment : liable to the legal authority of : answerable, accountable
< is it to be contended that the heads of departments are not amenable to the laws — John Marshall >
< offenses amenable to the ecclesiastical judicature — Herman Melville >
b. : liable to a claim or charge
< was amenable to the accusation >
a. : capable of submission (as to a judgment or test)
< amenable to the comparatively small-scale form of enquiry — K.E.Read >
< amenable data >
b. : readily brought to yield or submit : responsive, tractable
< a personality amenable to our desires — Mary Austin >
< an amenable view on matters of mutual concern — Robert Trumbull >
Synonyms: see obedient, responsible
amen·able / əˈmiːnəbl /
1. ~ (to sth) (of people 人) easy to control; willing to be influenced by sb / sth
They had three very amenable children.
He seemed most amenable to my idea.
2. ~ to sth (formal) that you can treat in a particular way
'Hamlet' is the least amenable of all Shakespeare's plays to being summarized.
amenable ADJECTIVE:1. Legally obligated: accountable, answerable, liable, responsible. See LAW.
2. Willing to carry out the wishes of others: biddable, compliant, conformable, docile, obedient, submissive, supple, tractable. See RESIST.
3. Ready and willing to receive favorably, as new ideas: acceptant, open, open-minded, receptive, responsive. See ACCEPT.
a∙me∙na∙ble / əˈminəbl ; əˈmiːnəbəl /
1. willing to accept what someone says or does without arguing
• 易接受指导(影响)的; 顺从的:
»She was always a very amenable child.
▪ [+ to ]
»Young people are more amenable than older citizens to the idea of immigration.
2. suitable for a particular type of treatment
• 可用某种方法处理的:
▪ [+ for / to ]
»Such conditions may be amenable to medical intervention.
amenable adj.
• VERBS be, prove | seem | find sb/sth | render sth
• ADVERB highly, most, particularly The manager was most ~. Nothing was too much trouble.
• PREPOSITION to You should find him ~ to reasonable arguments.
amenable ADJECTIVE:
1. Legally obligated: accountable, answerable, liable, responsible. See LAW.
2. Willing to carry out the wishes of others: biddable, compliant, conformable, docile, obedient, submissive, supple, tractable. See RESIST.
3. Ready and willing to receive favorably, as new ideas: acceptant, open, open-minded, receptive, responsive. See ACCEPT.
[a·me·na·ble || ə'miːnəbl]
adj. dócil, tratable; sensible; obediente, sumiso
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