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pluck 揪;揪,扯;拽;拉;抻;摘;掐;采摘;解救;搭救









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pluck 是一个表示动作的词汇。有这些意义:揪;揪,扯;拽;拉;抻;摘;掐;采摘;解救;搭救等等。

   (verb 动词)

    to pluck fruit off a tree.
   SYNONYM 同义词:collect, gather, harvest,pick, pull off.
    to pluck a chicken.
   SYNONYM 同义词:denude, remove the feathers from, strip.

    to pluck something out of someone’s hand.
   SYNONYM 同义词:grab, jerk, seize, snatch,tweak, yank.
    to pluck the strings of a violin.
   SYNONYM 同义词:play pizzicato, strum, twang.

/ˈplʌk/ verb , plucks, plucked, pluck·ing
  1 [  + obj  ] : to pull (something) quickly to remove it
   My sister plucked a white hair from my head.
   The hunter plucked the bird's feathers.
   plucking petals off/from a flower
   pluck [=pick] a lemon from the tree
  2 [  + obj  ] : to remove some or all of the feathers or hairs from (something)
   They plucked a chicken.
   She plucks her eyebrows. [=she regularly removes some of the hairs in her eyebrows to make her eyebrows have a particular shape]
  3 always followed by an adverb or preposition [  + obj  ]
  3 a : to take (someone or something) away from a place or situation suddenly or by force
   Firefighters plucked the child from the top floor of the burning building.
   He'd been plucked from obscurity and thrust into the national spotlight.
   a cat that was plucked off the city's streets last winter
  3 b : to select or take (something) usually from a group, container, or place
   We plucked [=chose] passages at random from the book and read them aloud.
   He plucked a stone out of the river.
  4 a : to pull and release (a string on a musical instrument) with your fingers in order to make a sound
   [  + obj  ] pluck a guitar string
   [  no obj  ] pluck on a guitar string
  4 b : to play (a guitar, banjo, etc.) by pulling and releasing the strings with your fingers
   [  + obj  ] She was softly plucking a banjo.
   [  no obj  ] plucking on/at a banjo
  pluck at [  phrasal verb  ]
   pluck at (something) : to pull part of (something) with your fingers especially more than once
    He nervously plucked at the blanket.
  pluck up (the) courage
   ◇ If you pluck up (the) courage to do something, you become brave enough to do it.
    He finally plucked up the courage to ask her out on a date.
noun   [  noncount  ]
   old-fashioned + informal   : a quality that makes you continue trying to do or achieve something that is difficult : courage and determination
   It takes pluck to do what she did.
   She showed pluck in getting up on stage.

I. \ˈplək\ verb
Etymology: Middle English plucken, from Old English pluccian; akin to Middle Dutch plucken, plocken to pluck, Middle High German pflücken, pflocken; all probably from a prehistoric West Germanic word borrowed from (assumed) Vulgar Latin piluccare to pick, clean — more at plush
transitive verb
1. : to pull or pick off or out : gather by picking
< pluck feathers from a fowl >
< pluck grapes >
2. : to remove something from by or as if picking or pulling off or out: as
  (1) : to so remove a natural covering (as of feathers, hair, or wool) from the body of
   < pluck a chicken before cleaning >
  also : to trim the hair of (a dog) with a stripping knife
  (2) : to free (a pelt) from guard hairs in processing
  (3) : to shape (an eyebrow) by pulling some of the hairs
b. : rob, plunder, fleece
a. : to move or separate forcibly (as by pulling, dragging, snatching) — used with adverbs expressive of direction (as out, from, down, apart)
  < plucked the map down from the wall >
  < plucking the portiere aside >
  < plucked him back from danger >
  (1) : to tear down : demolish — usually used with down
   < the chapel was plucked down by the inhabitants of the village >
  (2) : to make humble : bring low — usually used with down
c. : to tear to pieces : pull apart : dissever, rive
  < a violent wind plucked the sails to bits >
a. : to handle with a picking or pulling motion
  < a sick child plucking at the bedclothes >
especially : to pull sharply or with sudden force
  < plucked the strings of his guitar >
b. : to seize (as a person) by a part of the body or clothing
  < plucked him by the sleeve to catch his attention >
c. : to make (as a musical instrument) sound by plucking
a. Britain : to reject (as a candidate for a degree or position) for some deficiency or misdemeanor (as for failure to satisfactorily pass an examination)
  < expected to be plucked on his tripos >
b. : to select (a military officer) for involuntary retirement
  < plucked after 20 years of service and sent into involuntary retirement >
c. : to remove (a person) from one situation in life and transfer him to another
  < plucked from his prosaic routine by the draft >
especially : to draft from a position of lesser to one of greater responsibility
  < the convention plucked him from the pastorate to head the foreign mission board >
6. of a glacier : to break loose and bear away (solid rock) in large masses — compare abrade
intransitive verb
a. : drag
b. obsolete : grab, steal
c. : pick vi 5
  < a paper that plucks badly >
2. : to make a sharp pull or twitch : tug — usually used with at
< plucking at the folds of her skirt >
II. noun
Etymology: Middle English, from plucken, v.
a. : an act of plucking or pulling; especially : a quick or sudden and forcible pull (as a twitch, tug, or jerk)
b. obsolete : set-to : bout, go
a. : the heart, liver, lungs, and windpipe of a slaughtered animal especially as an item of food
b. : the corresponding parts of a human cadaver
3. : something that is plucked or used in plucking
< spun out a small pluck of wool >
< lost the pluck for his ukelele >
4. : spirit, courage, resolution, nerve
5. : the condition of being plucked; especially Britain : failure in an examination
6. : distinctness, sharpness, boldness — used of a picture, drawing, or photograph
Synonyms: see fortitude

pluck¹ / plʌk ; plʌk /
1. PULL STH 拉某物, [T] [written] to pull something quickly in order to remove it
• 揪,扯,拉:
»pluck sth from / off etc sth
»He plucked a couple of plastic bags from the roll.
»Reaching up, she plucked an apple off the tree.
2. pluck your eyebrows,  to make your EYEBROWS the shape you want, by pulling out some of the hairs
• 修拔眉毛
3. TAKE SB / STH AWAY 带走某人/某物, [T always + adv / prep] to take someone away from a place or situation that is dangerous or unpleasant in a quick and unexpected way
• 解救,拯救:
»pluck sb / sth from / out of sth
»Some refugee children were plucked out of the country in a number of mercy missions.
»She was plucked from obscurity (=made suddenly famous) by a Hollywood film producer.
»Three survivors were plucked to safety after being in the sea for 7 hours.
  在海上漂浮了 7 小时后,3 名幸存者获救。
4. CHICKEN , [T] to pull the feathers off a dead chicken or other bird before cooking it
• 拔(退)去〔死鸡或其他禽类〕的毛〔准备烹调〕
5. pluck up (the) courage (to do sth),  to force yourself to be brave and do something you are afraid of doing
• 鼓起勇气(做某事),振作精神(做某事):
»He finally plucked up enough courage to ask her out.
6. MUSIC 音乐, [I,T] to pull the strings of a musical instrument
• 拨(弦),弹奏:
▪ [+ at ]
»Someone was plucking at the strings of an old guitar.
7. pluck sth out of the air also pluck something out of thin air,  to say or suggest a number, name etc that you have just thought of, without thinking about it carefully
• 随口说出〔一个数字、名字等〕:
»I'm plucking a figure out of the air here, but let's say it'll cost about $15,000.
  我只是随口说一个数字,比如说这要大约 15,000 美元。【PHR V】
pluck at sth
• to pull something quickly several times with your fingers, especially because you are nervous or to attract attention
• 〔用手指〕猛揪(拉,扯):
»Kitty's hands plucked at her black cotton skirt.
»The little boy plucked at her sleeve.

noun [U] [old-fashioned]
1. courage and determination
• 勇气,果敢:
»It takes a lot of pluck to stand up to a bully.

pluck sth out of the 'air
1.■ say a name, number, etc. without thinking about it, especially in answer to a question ﹙尤指回答问题时﹚脱口而出;不假思索地回答:
I just plucked a figure out of the air and said: ‘Would £1 000 seem reasonable to you?’ 我随口说出一个数字问道:“你看1 000英镑合适吗?”

2.■ pluck/screw/summon up (your/the) courage (to do sth) 另见courage

n. valor, arrojo; tirón; plectro
v. arrancar, desemplumar, desplumar; puntear



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