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KDP: Republish vs Update a Book: Which One Is Better?Do I have to Re-Upload?









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2023-12-28 01:46:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Republish vs Update a Book: Which One Is Better?

What's the difference between updating and republishing a book?
What distinguishes the acts of republishing and updating a book? The encouraging news is that the self-publishing process facilitates the correction of errors in your book. However, there are two avenues for accomplishing this: either updating or republishing your book.
Through a strategic update or republishing of your book, you can readily rectify errors, redirect lackluster marketing efforts, and even boost your book sales. Yet, what exactly does it entail to update or republish a book, and which option suits your needs? Under what circumstances should you opt for one over the other?
In essence, updating a book empowers you to make alterations to your existing book listing without forfeiting your ISBN, ASIN, and book landing page. On the other hand, republishing a book essentially brings forth an entirely new iteration, complete with a fresh ISBN, ASIN, and book landing page.
However, there exist subtle nuances for each, along with specific actions authors can take to maximize the advantages of an update or a republish—details worth delving into for an informed decision.

Update a Book
Updating a book on Amazon is a straightforward process. Amazon permits the upload of a new manuscript or book cover and allows adjustments to metadata at any time.
The advantage of updating is that it doesn't erase reviews, and the book retains the same landing page with the original ISBN and ASIN. This means existing links to the book will still function for the updated version.
When to update a book:
  • For small changes: Correcting minor mistakes in the manuscript, making small updates to keep nonfiction books current, or implementing other minor adjustments.
  • When you have a lot of reviews: Updating is preferable to republishing if you have numerous reviews to avoid the risk of losing them.
  • To upload a new cover: Easily swap out a book cover for a more genre-appropriate one without the need to republish.
  • To fix typos: Common reason for updates; minor fixes like typos don't necessitate republishing.
  • To change categories/keywords: Optimize sales by occasionally changing keywords and categories.
  • To tweak front/back matter: Update author bios, email newsletter links, and other information as needed.
Amazon treats updated books similarly to those that haven't been updated, offering no special boosts or preferential treatment. However, updates can still positively impact sales by improving conversion rates.
To update a book on Amazon:
  • Go to your Amazon KDP dashboard.
  • Find your book and select "Edit e-book details" or "Edit paperback details" based on the version you're updating.
  • Make metadata changes and hit "Save and Continue."
  • Add changes to the manuscript or book cover, then hit "Save and Continue" again.
  • Make pricing or marketplace changes if needed.
  • Hit "Publish."
There is a brief waiting period as Amazon reviews the update request, but updates are generally less scrutinized and often go live faster than new books.

Republish a Book
What is Republishing a Book?Republishing on Amazon is akin to launching a new book. People typically republish for reasons like creating a new edition, rewriting extensively, rebranding on a large scale, or starting afresh.
When Should You Republish a Book?Common situations for republishing on Amazon include:
  • Making substantial changes: For significant alterations, republishing is often preferred, as Amazon may require a new edition for extensive updates.
  • Changing the print format: Republishing is necessary when altering fixed print book formats like trim size, paper color, or color vs. black-and-white (applies to print books).
  • Changing title/subtitle/author name: Republishing may be required if you plan to change the title, subtitle, or author name significantly.
  • Disliking your reviews: Republishing allows a fresh start without existing reviews if previous ones are undesirable.
  • Regaining rights to your book: If you recently reclaimed rights from a traditional publisher, republishing is necessary as you can't update the existing book on Amazon.
  • Big relaunch: Republishing offers the advantage of Amazon's "honeymoon period," providing preferential treatment to new books, making it suitable for a comprehensive relaunch.
How Does Amazon Treat Book Republishing?Amazon treats republished books differently than updated ones. Republished books are treated like new releases, receiving a new ISBN, ASIN, and landing page. The "honeymoon period" provides a slight exposure boost, making it valuable for those who know how to leverage it.
How to Republish Your BookTo republish your book on Amazon:
  • Ensure your new edition is ready.
  • Follow the standard KDP upload process.
  • Specify if it's a new edition during the upload in the book details section.
  • Hit publish and wait for Amazon to approve the new book.
  • Once live, find the old book, hover over the three dots, and select "Unpublish."

Do I have to Re-Upload?
I noticed that I have two 'Copyright' pages - do I have to re-upload both my paperback and Ebook? Or is there a way I could do a change without re-uploading?
Thank you.
1. Any change in the manuscript requires you to reupload a new version. You cannot edit an already uploaded file.
Sadly, your new file will have to go through the approval process again, which can take up to 72 hours. In the meantime, the old version will stay on sale.
2. Well, you need a copyright page in both your e-book and paperback, and they can be more or less the same. The only difference in mine is that I include the ISBN in the paperback.
Or are you saying you have two copyright pages in the same version? if so, you'll need to remove one and then re-publish. If your book/s aren't 'live' yet, you will need to wait until they are, make the changes and then upload again.


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

 楼主| 发表于 2023-12-28 02:32:39 | 显示全部楼层
ChatGPT says:

If you have made modifications to a book that has already been published on Amazon, the recommended approach is to republish it rather than simply re-upload it as a second version. Here are the steps you should consider:
  • Update the Content:Make the necessary modifications to your book. This could include fixing errors, updating information, or making any other changes you deem necessary.
  • Create a New Version:Instead of re-uploading the book as a separate version, go to your Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account and create a new version of your existing book. This way, you keep all the reviews, rankings, and other associated data intact.
  • Upload the Revised Manuscript:Upload the revised manuscript to the existing book listing. This can be done by selecting the book in your KDP dashboard, going to the "Content" section, and uploading the new file.
  • Update Book Details:If there are significant changes to the book's content, you may also want to update the book details, such as the description, keywords, and categories, to accurately reflect the new content.
  • Consider Kindle MatchBook:If you have enabled Kindle MatchBook, which allows customers who buy a print book to get the Kindle version at a discount or for free, make sure to update the Kindle version as well.
  • Publish the Changes:After making the necessary updates, go through the publishing process again to update the book on the Amazon platform.

By republishing the book, you ensure that the new version is associated with the existing book listing. This helps maintain continuity in terms of customer reviews, rankings, and other metadata associated with the original publication. Additionally, customers who have purchased or reviewed the previous version will have access to the updated content.
Always check Amazon's guidelines and terms of service to ensure that you comply with their policies regarding book updates and republishing.

When I mention "republishing the book," I am referring to the process of updating the existing book listing with a new version of the content. In the context of Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), this involves making changes to the content of a published book and then uploading the revised manuscript to the same book listing. By doing so, you are essentially updating the book with the new content rather than creating a separate, second version.
This approach is recommended because it allows you to maintain the continuity of the book listing. The existing customer reviews, rankings, and other metadata associated with the original publication are retained, and customers who have purchased or reviewed the previous version will have access to the updated content when they download the latest version.


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

 楼主| 发表于 2023-12-30 10:46:57 | 显示全部楼层
When you publish a book on Amazon, you have the ability to make updates and revisions to the content after it's been published. Here are some key points to consider:

Amazon's Publishing Tools: Amazon provides a platform called Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) that allows authors to self-publish their books in both eBook and print formats. Through KDP, authors can easily manage and update their published works.

Revising eBook Content: If you want to add new chapters or short stories to an eBook, you can upload a revised version of the book's content file. The revised file should include the additional content you want to include. You have the option to maintain the book's existing ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) in order to retain the book's reviews, rankings, and other associated data.

Revising Print Book Content: For print books, the process is slightly different. If you want to add new content to a print book, you will need to upload a new interior file with the revised content. Additionally, you may need to update the book's cover file if necessary. Once the revised files are uploaded, Amazon will review and process the changes before the updated version becomes available for purchase.

Publishing Guidelines and Copyright: It's important to ensure that any changes made to your book comply with Amazon's publishing guidelines. These guidelines cover various aspects such as content quality, formatting, copyrights, and legal requirements. Make sure you review and adhere to these guidelines when making updates.

Communication with Readers: When you make significant updates or additions to your book, it's a good practice to communicate those changes to your readers. You can update the book's description to highlight the new content or provide a brief note within the book itself to inform readers about the changes.

Are there any specific guidelines for adding or revising content in the non-fiction genre?
Amazon does not have specific guidelines solely dedicated to adding or revising content in the non-fiction genre. However, there are general guidelines and best practices that apply to all genres, including non-fiction. Here are some points to consider when adding or revising content in the non-fiction genre on Amazon:
  • Accuracy and Credibility: Non-fiction books are expected to provide accurate and well-researched information. Ensure that any new content or revisions maintain a high level of accuracy and credibility. Properly cite your sources and provide references where necessary.
  • Formatting and Structure: Pay attention to the formatting and structure of your non-fiction book. Use clear headings, subheadings, and formatting techniques to enhance readability. Organize the content in a logical and coherent manner, helping readers navigate and understand the information easily.
  • Clarity and Readability: Non-fiction books should be written in a clear and accessible manner, catering to the intended audience. Avoid excessive jargon or technical language that may hinder understanding. Consider using illustrations, charts, or graphs where appropriate to enhance clarity.
  • Authoritativeness and Expertise: Non-fiction books often rely on the author's expertise or authority on the subject matter. If you are adding or revising content, ensure that it maintains your expertise and supports your credibility as an author in the field.
  • Updates and Relevance: Non-fiction books may require periodic updates to keep the information current and relevant. When adding or revising content, consider incorporating new research, developments, or updated information to ensure the book remains valuable to readers.

Remember to follow general publishing guidelines, such as avoiding offensive or inappropriate content, respecting copyright laws, and maintaining a high standard of quality and professionalism. While there may not be specific guidelines for non-fiction, adhering to these general principles will help ensure your non-fiction book meets Amazon's publishing standards.

Remember, it's always a good idea to thoroughly proofread and review your book before publishing or making any updates to maintain a high-quality reading experience for your audience.

Are there any limitations or restrictions on the type of content that can be added or revised?
Yes, there are certain limitations and restrictions on the type of content that can be added or revised in a book on Amazon. Here are a few important points to consider:
  • Copyright Infringement: You must ensure that any added or revised content does not infringe upon the copyrights of others. This means you cannot include copyrighted material without proper permission or a valid legal basis for its use.
  • Offensive or Inappropriate Content: Amazon has guidelines regarding offensive, illegal, or inappropriate content. You should avoid adding or revising content that includes hate speech, explicit sexual material, violence, or any other content that violates Amazon's content policies. Such content may lead to the removal of your book or other consequences.
  • Quality and Formatting: Amazon expects books to meet certain quality and formatting standards. When adding or revising content, ensure that it is properly edited, formatted, and free of significant errors or issues that may impact the reading experience. Follow Amazon's guidelines on formatting and quality to maintain a professional standard.
  • Genre-Specific Guidelines: Different genres may have specific guidelines or restrictions to consider. For example, certain genres like children's books or non-fiction may have specific requirements for content or illustrations. Make sure you are aware of any genre-specific guidelines when making updates.
  • Legal Compliance: It's crucial to comply with all applicable laws and regulations when adding or revising content. This includes avoiding plagiarism, respecting trademarks, and adhering to any regional or local laws that may apply.

It's important to thoroughly review Amazon's publishing guidelines and content policies to ensure that your added or revised content meets their standards. Violating these guidelines can result in your book being removed from sale or other actions taken by Amazon.


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