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off 既是副词形容词也是介词









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off / ɔf; NAmE ɔːf; ɑːf /
HELP  For the special uses of off in phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example come off is in the phrasal verb section at come.
   off 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 come off 在词条 come 的短语动词部份。

1. away from a place; at a distance in space or time
   I called him but he ran off.
   Sarah's off in India somewhere.
   I must be off soon (= leave).
   Off you go!
   Summer's not far off now.
   A solution is still some way off.
2. used to say that sth has been removed
   He's had his beard shaved off.
   Take your coat off.
   Don't leave the toothpaste with the top off.
3. starting a race
   They're off (= the race has begun).
4. no longer going to happen; cancelled
   The wedding is off.
5. not connected or functioning
   The water is off.
   Make sure the TV is off.
6. (especially BrE) (of an item on a menu 食谱中的项目) no longer available or being served
   Sorry, the duck is off.
7. away from work or duty
   She's off today.
   I've got three days off next week.
   How many days did you take off ?
   I need some time off.
8. taken from the price
   shoes with $20 off
   减价 20 元的鞋
   All shirts have / are 10% off.
   衬衣全部减价 10%。
9. behind or at the sides of the stage in a theatre
   SYN  offstage
be well / better / badly, etc. 'off
   used to say how much money sb has
   Families will be better off under the new law (= will have more money).
   They are both comfortably off (= have enough money to be able to buy what they want without worrying too much about the cost).
be better / worse off (doing sth)
   to be in a better or worse situation
   She's better off without him.
   The weather was so bad we'd have been better off staying at home.
   We can't be any worse off than we are already.
be ˌoff for 'sth    (informal) to have a particular amount of sth
   How are we off for coffee (= how much do we have) ?
⇨ see also badly off
ˌoff and 'on / ˌon and 'off
   from time to time; now and again
   It rained on and off all day.

HELP  For the special uses of off in phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example take sth off sth is in the phrasal verb section at take.
   off 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 take sth off sth 在词条 take 的短语动词部份。

1. down or away from a place or at a distance in space or time
   I fell off the ladder.
   Keep off the grass!
   an island off the coast of Spain
   They were still 100 metres off the summit.
   他们距山顶还有 100 米远。
   Scientists are still a long way off finding a cure.
   We're getting right off the subject.
2. leading away from sth, for example a road or room
   We live off Main Street.
   There's a bathroom off the main bedroom.
3. used to say that sth has been removed
   You need to take the top off the bottle first!
   I want about an inch off the back of my hair.
4. away from work or duty
   He's had ten days off school.
5. away from a price
   They knocked £500 off the car.
   他们对这辆汽车杀价 500 英镑。
6. off of (non-standard or NAmE, informal) off; from
   I got it off of my brother.
7. not wanting or liking sth that you usually eat or use
   I'm off (= not drinking) alcohol for a week.
   He's finally off drugs (= he no longer takes them).

adjective [not before noun]
1. (of food 食物) no longer fresh enough to eat or drink
   This fish has gone off.
   The milk smells off.
   It's off.
2. ~ (with sb) (informal, especially BrE) not polite or friendly
   He was a bit off with me this morning.
3. (informal, especially BrE) not acceptable
   It's a bit off expecting us to work on Sunday.

注意:off 还可以用作名词和动词,虽然这些用法并不常见。
noun [sing.]
   the off the start of a race
   They're ready for the off.

verb [VN]
   (informal, especially NAmE) to kill sb

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