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[size=+1]drift∙er / ˈdrɪftə ; ˈdrɪftə /
n [C]
1. someone who is always moving from one job or place to another with no real purpose
• 漂泊者; 流浪者,游民
2. a fishing boat that uses a floating net
• 漂网渔船
noun (disapproving)a person who moves from six job or place to another with no real purpose
/ˈdrıftɚ/ noun , pl -ers [ count ]
: a person who moves from one place or job to another without a purpose or plan
He was a drifter who hitchhiked from state to state.
\-tə(r)\ noun
a. : a living being that travels or moves about aimlessly
< there were about 40 in the family and usually a dozen drifters — W.D.Wyman >
< these drifters vary in size from the bacteria and the minute yellowish microscopic plants … to copepods — R.E.Coker >
b. : a worker who moves from job to job without remaining long at any one place of employment
c. : a person of passive spiritless character lacking aim, ambition, and initiative and given to roving from one diversion to another without any steady interest : temporizer
d. : a fierce and driving snowstorm (as in the far north)
a. also drifter·man \-tə(r)mən\plural driftermen : a person who fishes with a drift net — called also drift netter
b. : a boat equipped for and employed in drift-net fishing — called also drift boat
a. : an excavator of mine drifts
b. : a rock drill used for driving mine drifts and crosscuts
c. : an operator of a heavy drill for drilling through rock in tunnel construction, mining, or quarrying
......and several drifters who had been near the area on the night of the murder.