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tran∙spire / trænˈspaɪr ;trænˈspaɪə /
1. it transpires that, [formal] if it transpires that somethingis true, you discover that it is true
• 泄露,揭露,被人所知:
»It now transpires that he kept all the money forhimself.
2. [I] [formal] to happen
• 发生:
»Exactly what transpired remains unknown.
3. [I,T] [technical] when a plant transpires, water passesthrough the surface of its leaves
• 〔植物叶表水分〕蒸发,散发,蒸腾
tran·spire / trænˈspaiə(r) /
verb (formal)
1. [V that] (not usuallyused in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) if it transpires that sth has happened or is true, it isknown or has been shown to be true
It transpired that the gang had had a contact inside the bank.
This story, it later transpired, was untrue.
2. [V] to happen
You're meeting him tomorrow? Let me know what transpires.
3. [V , VN] (biology 生) when plants or leaves transpire, water passes out from theirsurface
\tranzˈpī(ə)r, traan-, -n(t)ˈsp-, -īə\ verb
Etymology: Middle French transpirer, from Latin trans- +spirare to breathe — more at spirit
transitive verb
1. : to cause (as a gasor liquid) to pass through a tissue or substance or its pores or interstices
2. : to excrete or giveoff (as moisture or vapor) through the skin, a membrane, or living cells :perspire, exude, exhale
intransitive verb
1. : to emit moisture,vapor, or perfume; specifically :to give off or exude watery vapor from the surfaces of leaves or other parts
< a plant transpires more freely on a hotdry day >
2. : to pass out orescape in the form of a vapor from a living body
< moisture transpires through the skin>
a. : to become known orapparent : develop
< it transpired that he hadstill been sitting … when the bomb struck — C.D.Lewis >
< it soon transpired thatthere were two … conceptions of this problem — C.H.Malik >
< only good faculties, it transpired,were inherited — Walter Lippmann >
b. : to be revealed :leak out : come to light
< had to wait until 1934 for thesecret to transpire — E.C.Wagenknecht >
< it had just transpired thathe had left gaming debts behind him — Jane Austen >
4. : to come to pass :happen, occur
< a course of events which transpire withunbelievable rapidity — H.G.Moseley >
< I gave an honest account of what transpired— J.A.Michener >
< more things transpire on a racetrackthan are chronicled in the newspapers — Gerald Beaumont >
Synonyms: see happen
VERB:1. To be made public: break, come out, get out, out. Informal : leak (out). Idioms:come to light. See KNOWLEDGE, SHOW.
2. To take place: befall, betide, come, come about, come off, develop, hap, happen, occur, pass. Idioms:come to pass. See HAPPEN.
3. To flow or leak out or emit something slowly: bleed, exude, leach, ooze, percolate, seep, transude, weep. See MOVE, SOLID.
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