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with / wɪð ; wɪð /
1. used to say that two or more people or things are together inthe same place
»I saw Bob in town with his girlfriend.
»Put this bag with the others.
»I always wear these shoes with this dress.
»Mix the powder with boiling water.
»have / bring / take sb / sth with you
»She had her husband with her.
»You'd better bring your passport with you.
2. having, possessing, or carrying something
»a tall gentleman with a beard
»a book with a green cover
»a man with a gun
»We need someone with new ideas.
»Only people with plenty of money can afford to shop here.
»She came back with a letter in her hand.
3. using something or by means of something
;; :
»Chop the onions with a sharp knife.
»What will you buy with the money?
»I amused myself with crossword puzzles.
»a hat decorated with brightly coloured feathers
--› see box at BY ¹
4. because of a particular feeling or physical state
»They were trembling with fear.
»Jack beamed with pleasure when he heard the news.
»I was too weak with hunger to cry.
»Mother became seriously ill with pneumonia.
5. including
»Two nights' accommodation with breakfast and evening meal costus just over 250.
  包括早餐和晚餐,两晚的住宿花了我们 250 英镑多一点。
6. used to say what covers or fills something
»Her boots were covered with mud.
»Fill the bowl with sugar.
»In summer Venice is crammed with tourists.
7. used to say what an action or situation is related to
»We have a problem with parking in this area.
»Be careful with that glass.
»Is there something wrong with your phone?
»How are you getting on with your studies, David?
»Compared with other children of the same age, Robert is verytall.
8. used to say which person or thing someone has a particularfeeling or attitude towards
»I hope you're not angry with me.
»He thinks he's in love with Diana.
»She's delighted with her new car.
»Don't get too friendly with your students.
9. supporting someone or sharing their opinion
--› for :
»Some opposition MPs voted with the Government.
»You're either with me or against me.
»I'm with Harry all the way on this one.
10. used when talking about an action or activity to say whichother person, group, or country is involved
»Stop fighting with your brother!
»I used to play chess with him.
»It's a good idea to discuss the problem with a sympatheticteacher.
»We're competing with foreign businesses.
»Britain's trade with Japan
»She left home after an argument with her parents.
11. used to say how someone does something or how somethinghappens
»He prepared everything with great care.
»A rocket exploded with a blinding flash.
»'Oh, I'm not in a hurry,' I said with a smile.
»The day starts with a great American breakfast.
12. used to say what position or state someone or something isin, or what is happening, when someone does something
»She stood with her back to me.
»We lay in bed with the window open.
»She was knitting, with the television on.
»with sb / sth doing sth
»We jumped into the water with bullets whizzing past our ears.
13. at the same rate as something else and because of it
»a skill which improves with practice
»The risk of cancer increases with the number of cigarettes yousmoke.
14. because of a situation that exists
»With John away there's more room in the house.
»with sth doing sth
»I can't do my homework with all this noise going on.
15. employed by someone
»The manager is Stuart Walker, who has been with the companysince 1970.
  经理是斯图尔特沃克,他从1970 年就一直在本公司工作。
16. used to say who is looking after something
照看; 负责:
»I left your keys with the janitor.
17. used to say who or what someone becomes separated from
»Joan doesn't want to part with the money.
»a complete break with tradition
18. in the same direction as something
»We sailed with the wind.
19. in spite of
»With all his faults, I still like him.
20. used to show who or what a strong wish or order concerns
»Down with school!
»Off to bed with you!
21. be with you / me,  to understand what someone is telling you orexplaining to you
»Sorry, I'm not with you – which room do you mean?
»So that's how the system works. Are you with me?
  这个系统就是这样运行的。 你听懂了吗?
22. with it [informal]
a. wearing fashionable clothes and knowing about new ideas
SYN trendy
b. able to understand clearly what is happening around you
»I'm sorry, I'm not feeling very with it today.
--› see WITH-IT
23. with that,  immediately after doing or saying something
»He gave a little wave and with that he was gone.


with / wið; wiθ / preposition
HELP For the special uses of with in phrasal verbs, look at the entries for theverbs. For example bearwith sb / sth is in the phrasal verb section at bear.
   with 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 bear with sb / sth 在词条 bear 的短语动词部份。
1. in the company or presence of sb / sth
She liveswith her parents.
I have aclient with me right now.
a nicesteak with a bottle of red wine
2. having or carrying sth
a girlwith (= who has) red hair
a jacketwith a hood
He lookedat her with a hurt expression.
They'reboth in bed with flu.
a man witha suitcase
3. using sth
Cut itwith a knife.
It istreated with acid before being analysed.
4. used to say what fills, covers, etc. sth
The bagwas stuffed with dirty clothes.
Sprinklethe dish with salt.
5. in opposition to sb / sth; against sb / sth
to fightwith sb
to playtennis with sb
at warwith a neighbouring country
I had anargument with my boss.
6. concerning; in the case of
Be carefulwith the glasses.
Are youpleased with the result?
Don't beangry with her.
With thesestudents it's pronunciation that's the problem.
7. used when considering six fact in relationto another
She won'tbe able to help us with all the family commitments she has.
It's mucheasier compared with last time.
8. including
The mealwith wine came to $20 each.
包括酒这顿饭每人 20 块钱。
With allthe lesson preparation I have to do I work 12 hours a day.
加上必须的备课在内,我每天工作 12 个小时。
9. used to show the way in which sb does sth
He behavedwith great dignity.
She sleepswith the window open.
Don'tstand with your hands in your pockets.
10. because of; as a result of
Sheblushed with embarrassment.
Hisfingers were numb with cold.
11. because of sth and as it happens
Theshadows lengthened with the approach of sunset.
Skillcomes with practice.
12. in the same direction as sth
Marinemammals generally swim with the current.
13. used to show who has possession of orresponsibility for sth
The keysare with reception.
Leave itwith me.
14. employed by; using the services of
She actedwith a touring company for seven years.
I bankwith the HSBC.
15. showing separation from sth / sb
I couldnever part with this ring.
Can wedispense with the formalities?
16. despite sth
With allher faults I still love her.
17. used in exclamations
Off to bedwith you!
Down withschool!
be 'withme / you    (informal)  to be able to understand what sb is talking about
Are youwith me?
I'm afraidI'm not quite with you.
be 'withsb (on sth)
   to support sb and agree with whatthey say
We're allwith you on this one.
'with it
1. knowing about current fashions and ideas
SYN   trendy :
Don't youhave anything more with it to wear?
2. understanding what is happening around you
SYN   alert :
You don'tseem very with it today.
with 'that
   straight after that; then
Hemuttered a few words of apology and with that he left.

/ˈwıθ, ˈwıð/ prep
  — used to say that people or thingsare together in one place
   Do you have your books with you?
   I left the money in the car (along) with my keys.
   The children are home with theirfather.
   The doctor will be with youshortly. [=the doctor will come to see you soon]
   We barely escaped withour lives. [=we almost died while trying to escape]
  — used to say that two or more peopleor things are doing something together or are involved in something
   He went to the store with her.
   Do you want to come with us?
   I need to speak with youfor a moment.
   She was talking with afriend on the phone.
   They usually study with meafter class.
   He works with hismother at the restaurant.
   We are in competition for customers with a lot of other companies.
  3 : having (a particular characteristic,possession, etc.)
   a boy with greeneyes [=a boy who has green eyes]
   She's the one with (the)long hair and sunglasses.
   He wants to marry someone with alot of money.
   You will be competing against people with more experience than you.
   people with pets
   She taught a class with [=thathad] 20 students in it.
   They graduated from college with honors.
  4 : using (something specified)
   She opened the door with herkey.
   He broke the window with arock.
   She walks with (thehelp of) a cane.
   The sauce is made with milkand cheese.
   He welcomed each of his guests with ahandshake.
   He entertained the crowd with afew jokes.
   She ended her speech with aquote from Shakespeare.
   With one kiss, the princess awoke and the spell wasbroken.
   “With thisring, I thee wed.”
  — used to refer to the feeling,thought, quality, etc., that someone has or experiences when doing something
   Please accept this gift with ourthanks.
   He spoke about his daughter with greatpride. [=he spoke about his daughter very proudly]
   She supports the idea, with reservations.[=she supports the idea but she has some concerns about it]
   They accepted the offer with certainconditions.
   You acted with greatcourage and skill.
   They did it with nodifficulty at all. [=they did it very easily]
  — used to indicate the cause ofsomething
   His face was wet with [=becauseof] tears.
   She was red with embarrassment.
   They all wept with sorrowat the news of his death.
   He was sick with theflu for a week.
  — used to say that something fillssomething, covers something, etc.
   The garage is filled with junk.
  — used to indicate a related fact orsituation
   He stood there with [=holding] his hat in his hand.
   It's hard to concentrate on my homework with the television on. [=while thetelevision is on]
   Our products have been designed with youin mind. [=especially for you]
   They made it there with notime to spare.
   The coach called time out with [=whenthere were] 10 seconds left on the clock.
   With her on our team, there's no way we can lose.
   With friends like that [=when you have such badfriends], who needs enemies?
  — used to indicate the specific thingor person that is being referred to
   Please be careful with thoseboxes. [=please handle those boxes carefully]
   They are on friendly terms with theirneighbors.
   He's great with children.[=children like him and behave well for him]
   I'm not very good with computers.[=I am not able to use computers well]
   She no longer has any influence with [=on, over] them.
  — used to say that someone has arelationship with a person, organization, etc.
   He has been with thesame woman for 35 years.
   I plan to be with [=Iplan to work for] the company until I retire.
  — used to say that someone orsomething is the object of attention, behavior, or a feeling
   I'm in love with you.
   She is very angry with them.
   He seems to be quite happy with hisnew job.
   Were you satisfied with theway things turned out?
   I don't want to get tough with you,but you have to learn to obey your mother.
   What's going on with Jim?= What's happening with Jim?
  12 : in the performance, condition, behavior, orquality of (something or someone)
   What's the problem with yourcar?
   The trouble with thiscomputer is that it is too slow.
   Is there a problem with yourmeal?
   The doctors are trying to figure out what is wrong with him.
   What's the matter with you?Are you upset about something?
   (informal) What's with her? [=why is she actingso strangely?]
  13 : in opposition to or against (someone)
   The boys were fighting/arguing with eachother.
   We had a disagreement with ourneighbors over the height of the new fence.
  14 : so as to be separated from (someone orsomething)
   She broke (ties) with herfriends [=she no longer sees or talks to her friends] because of the incident.
   They were my favorite books, and I hated to part with them.
  15 a
  — used to say that you agree with orunderstand someone
   “Do you see why I feel this way?” “Oh yes, I'm with you completely.”
   Are you still with me?[=are you still listening to me and understanding what I am saying?]
  15 b : supporting the beliefs or goals of (someone) : on the side of (someone)
   If he's for helping the poor, I'm with him all the way!
   You're either with [=for] us or against us.
   Let's do it. Are you with me?
  16 : in the opinion or judgment of (someone)
   It's fine with [=by] us if you want to come, too.
   That's okay with me.
  17 : according to the experience or behavior of(someone)
   It became a habit with them[=it became their habit] to read before going to bed.
   As with manyof her generation, she had lost interest in politics.
   Promises are sacred with [=for] him.
   With him, a promise is a promise.
  18 : as successfully as (someone)
   He can ski with thebest of them. [=he can ski as well as the best skiers]
  — used to say that things happen atthe same time
   The birds returned with thearrival of spring.
   The book fell to the floor with aloud bang.
   All of their games begin with thesinging of the national anthem.
  20 : in a way that changes according to(something)
   The pressure varies with thedepth.
   Her health should improve with time.
   The excitement grows with eachpassing day. [=there is more excitement each day]
  21 : in the same direction as (something)
   Sand the wood with thegrain, not against it.
   We were sailing with thewind.
  — used to say that someone orsomething is included in a total number or amount
   With [=including]my husband and me, there were 12 people at the party.
   It costs $10.35 with tax.
  23 : in spite of (something)
   It's hard to believe that, with allher talent and hard work, she still didn't win the competition.
   They love the team, with allits faults.
  — used to indicate the object of anadverb in a type of command
   Off with hishead! [=cut off his head]
   Away with her.[=take her away from here]
   Down with injustice!
  what with — see what,3
  with it
   1 : in a state in which you are thinking clearlyand aware of what is happening
    I had just woken up and wasn't quite with it yet.
    Come on, now. Getwith it.
   2 : knowing a lot about current styles, ideas,or events
    You have to be pretty withit if you want to talk to them about politics.
  with that
   : immediately after doing or saying that
    She said goodbye and closed the door behind her. And with that, she was gone.

with 习惯用语
be 'with sb (informal)
■understand what sb is saying or explaining
I’m sorry, but I’m not with you. What exactly did you mean by ‘cut and paste’?
‘Are you with me?’ ‘No, you’ve lost me. Can you explain it again?’
你明白我的意思吗?”“ 没有, 没听明白。你能再解释一遍吗?
■be in support of or agreement with sb
‘What do you think, Jonathan?’ ‘I’m with Sarah on this.’
■used to ask a customer, etc. to wait for a short time
I’m just serving this lady. I’ll be with you in a minute.

get 'with it (informal)
■become aware of the most recent ideas, developments,events, etc.
You never seem to know what’s happening around you. Get with it, Paul. Startreading, start talking to people.

'with it (informal)
■(old-fashioned) (of sb/sth) fashionable and up to date
时新; 时髦:
Her clothes are very with it, aren’t they?
她衣着时髦, 不是吗?
He was wearing very with-it sunglasses.
■thinking quickly and clearly
I’m a bit tired this morning. I’m not really with it.

with 'that (written)
■straight after that; then
He muttered a few words of apology and with that he left.


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