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mangle 和 mangled









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mangled adj.
Mangled is used with these nouns: body, corpse, remains, wreckage

/ˈmæŋgəl/ verb , man·gles, man·gled, man·gling [  + obj  ]
  1 : to injure or damage (something or someone) severely by cutting, tearing, or crushing
   His leg had been mangled by an explosion.
   a mangled piece of metal
  2 : to do (something) badly : to ruin (something) because of carelessness or a lack of skill
   The newspaper mangled the story. [=it did not report the story correctly]
   He mangled [=botched] the speech.
   They mangled my favorite song!
noun , pl   mangles [  count  ]
  : an old-fashioned machine used to squeeze water out of wet clothes after they have been washed

   (verb 动词)
    He was off work because he’d mangled his hand in a machine.
   SYNONYM 同义词:crush, cut, damage, disfigure, injure,lacerate, maim, maul, mutilate, squash, tear, SEE参阅wound verb 动词.

I. \ˈmaŋgəl, -aiŋ-\ transitive verb
(mangled ; mangled ; mangling \-g(ə)liŋ\ ; mangles)
Etymology: Middle English manglen, from Anglo-French mangler, freq. of Old French mahaignier, maynier to maim — more at maim
a. : to cut, bruise, or hack with repeated blows or strokes : make a ragged or torn wound or series of wounds on
  < the trees had been whittled and chewed and mangled with a dull ax — Wallace Stegner >
  < rocks mangled the feet of the animals — American Guide Series: Nevada >
b. : to destroy the shape of by a violent blow or crash
  < the mangled coaches — Associated Press >
2. : to spoil, mutilate, or make incoherent through bungling, ignorance, or deliberate falsification
< mangling a phrase out of its true context — F.L.Mott >
< they altered the sequence, they mangled the text — Barbara Ward >
< the pianist mangled the concerto >
Synonyms: see maim
II. noun
Etymology: Spanish, from Taino
1. : mangrove
2. : any of several trees or shrubs (as Avicennia nitida and Laguncularia racemosa) that resemble the mango
III. noun
Etymology: Dutch mangel, from German, from Middle High German, diminutive of mange mangonel, mangle, from Late Latin manganum — more at mangonel
1. : a machine for ironing laundry work by passing it between heated rollers
2. : a machine for applying starch or other sizing material to textiles and then smoothing and drying them
3. : a machine resembling a hand wringer for rolling rubber latex into sheets
4. : a cylinder machine that makes stereotype molds from dry flong by impressing it on a form
5. : padder 1b
IV. transitive verb
Etymology: Dutch mangelen, from German mangeln, from mangel, n.
: to press or smooth (as damp linen) with a mangle

man·gle / ˈmæŋgl /
verb [VN] [usually passive]
1. to crush or twist sth so that it is badly damaged
   His hand was mangled in the machine.
2. to spoil sth, for example a poem or a piece of music, by saying it wrongly or playing it badly
   SYN   ruin
man·gled adj.:
    mangled bodies / remains

noun   (also wring·er)  a machine with two rollers (1)used especially in the past for squeezing the water out of clothes that had been washed

man∙gle¹ / ˈmæŋgl ; ˈmæŋgəl /
verb [T]
1. to damage or injure something badly by crushing or twisting it
• 压坏; 扭伤:
»The trap closed round her leg, badly mangling her ankle.
2. to spoil something such as a speech or piece of music, by saying or playing it badly
• 糟蹋〔如蹩脚的诗朗诵或拙劣的演奏〕:
»The orchestra had mangled Bach's music.
mangled adj. [only before noun]
»the mangled remains of the aircraft
noun [C]
1. a machine used in former times to remove water from washed clothes by pressing them between two ROLLERS
• 轧液机〔过去用于压去已洗净衣服水分的机器〕


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