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In the decade that followed, police gave up the search for the girls who had gone missing in the area, and their files sat on the shelves collecting dust. The Wests would probably have got away with their crimes, had it not been for the fact that, in 1992, a young girl they had raped finally went to the police, and the whole story began – literally – to be unearthed.
Violence and sexual abuse
Fred and Rosemary West were both from deprived rural backgrounds, where violence and sexual abuse was not uncommon. Born in the village of Much Marcle in 1941, Fred was one of six children, and later claimed that incest was rife in the family. He was backward at school, and left at the age of fifteen scarcely able to read or write. At the age of seventeen he suffered a serious motorcycle accident that possibly caused damage to his brain: it was after this that his behaviour became increasingly out of control. He was eventually arrested for having sex with an under-age girl, and narrowly avoided prison. His parents, finally tiring of his behaviour, threw him out of the family home.
Rosemary Letts, born in 1953 in Devon, was sexually abused from a young age by her schizophrenic father. Her mother suffered from severe depression. As a teenager, she was overweight and sexually precocious. When she met Fred, who was twelve years older than she, she idolized him, and soon became pregnant by him, even though she was not yet sixteen.
The picture of a loving couple: not even their closest neighbours had any idea about what was going on behind the facade of a normal, busy family
The murders begin
Fred had already been married, to prostitute Rena Costello, who had a mixed-race child called Charmaine from a previous relationship. Fred and Rena's own child, Anna Marie, was born shortly before the pair split up. Fred had then taken up with a friend of Rena's named Anna McFall, who was pregnant with Fred's child when, as later emerged, he murdered her, dismembering her body and burying it near the trailer where they lived. He was then free to concentrate on his relationship with his new girlfriend, Rosemary.
During this time, Fred was in and out of prison on minor charges such as nonpayment of fines, while Rosemary was left in charge of the children – Charmaine, Anna Marie, and the couple's new daughter, Heather, born in 1970. Rosemary had a ferocious temper and was insanely cruel, especially to Charmaine. She abused the children while Fred was away, finally murdering Charmaine. Later, Fred buried the child's body under the house. Then, when Rena came looking for Charmaine, Fred murdered her too, burying her body in the countryside.
In 1972, the couple moved to a house in Cromwell Street, Gloucester, where Rosemary worked as a prostitute and continued to bear children, some of which were Fred's, and some of which were fathered by her clients. The basement of the house was used for deviant sexual activities, including the rape of their daughter, Anna Marie, and a girl they employed to care for the children, Caroline Owens. When Owens went to the police, Fred West was tried for the rape, but – unbelievably – he was let off with a fine. Tragically, the next girl hired to care for the children, Lynda Gough, was not so lucky: she did not escape with her life, and was murdered and buried under the cellar. The couple went on to abduct, torture and murder more young women, in a killing spree that was as brutal as it was depraved: Carol Anne Cooper, Lucy Partington, Alison Chambers, Therese Siegenthaler, Shirley Hubbard, Juanita Mott, and Shirley Robinson all met their deaths in the most horrifying ways. The Wests even killed their own daughter, Heather, after she told friends about her bizarre home life. She was buried, like many of the other victims, in the garden of the house.
Clearing work gets underway at Midland Road, Gloucester, a home of Fred West before he was married to Rosemary West
The case goes cold
Then, suddenly, the killings stopped. There have been many theories about why this came about: perhaps the Wests found other ways of satisfying their violent sexual impulses; or perhaps there were actually many other victims who were never missed, and whose deaths were never reported. The Wests were careful to choose their victims from the bottom of the social pile; often girls who had lost touch with their families, or who were working as prostitutes, whose relatives and friends would not come looking for them. (Lucy Partington, a middle-class university student and a relative of Martin Amis, was the exception.)
It looked as though the Wests had got away with their crimes, and that their victims would be forgotten. But in 1992, the couple's horrifying deeds came back to haunt them, when a young girl they had raped went to the police to report her ordeal. This time, her story was believed.
Buried under the patio
On 6 August 1992, police arrived at the house in Cromwell Street. They searched the house for pornography and found more than enough evidence to arrest the couple for rape and sodomy of a minor. One of West's perversions was to film his wife on video, engaging in sex with different partners, both men and women. The older West children, Stephen and Anna Marie, both made statements supporting the allegation of rape, but the case later collapsed when they withdrew these, under pressure from the family.
Meanwhile, the younger children had been taken away from their parents and placed in social care. Their carers began to notice that they often joked about their sister Heather being buried under the patio. This was reported to the police, who returned to the house in February 1994 and began to dig up the garden. To their horror, they not only found Heather's remains, but a total of nine other bodies in the garden. Later, other bodies under the cellar were dug up.
Fred West initially confessed to the murder of his daughter Heather, but then retracted the confession. It seemed that he and Rosemary then made a pact, in which he would take the blame for the murder, emphasizing that his wife was not involved in any way. Accordingly, he re-confessed, stressing that Rosemary was not to blame, but by this time there was evidence to show that she too was responsible for the murder not only of Heather, but of many other victims as well.
The troubled face of Heather West, who disappeared in 1987. Her remains were subsequently found, buried under the patio at 25, Cromwell Street
Hanged in his cell
Fred West was charged with twelve murders in all, but before he could come to trial, he hanged himself in his prison cell, on New Year's Day in 1995. Rosemary maintained that she was innocent, but in October that same year, she was convicted of ten of the murders, and received a life sentence.
What would have happened if that young girl had not gone to the police to report her rape in 1992? Is it possible that Fred and Rosemary West would have continued to evade the law until the end of their natural lives, their crimes never discovered? What if the authorities had dismissed the girl's story, as they had dismissed that of Caroline Owens, the Wests' nanny, years before? It seems incredible that two people who had committed so many hideous murders could have gone undetected for so long – but that is what happened.
Perhaps it was a change in the social climate that helped to bring them to justice. Perhaps the permissive climate of the 1970s, in which the rules about sexual morality were beginning to be relaxed, impacted in a negative way on the underclass to which both Fred and Rosemary West belonged, so that the bizarre sexual behaviour that took place in their household went largely unnoticed and unremarked on by friends and neighbours, who might, in other times, have found it unacceptable.
However one explains it, the fact remains that it was only through the bravery of one young girl that the appalling brutality of this pair of vicious killers came to light, years after the murders happened, so that they finally received the punishment they deserved.