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carte blanche / ˌkɑrt ˈblɑnʃ ; ˌkɑːt ˈblɑːnʃ /
◙noun [U]
1. permission or freedom to do whatever you want
• 全权,自由处理权:
»The new manager will be given carte blanche as long as she can increase the company's profits.
»She had carte blanche to produce a film suitable for children.
carte blanche
carte blanche / ˌkɑːt ˈblɑːnʃ; NAmE ˌkɑːrt /
noun [U]
(from French) ~ (to do sth) the complete freedom or authority to do whatever you like
carte blanche
\ˈkärtˈbläⁿsh, ˈkȧt-, -änch\ noun
(plural cartes blanches \-t…sh(ə̇z), -ch(ə̇z)\)
Etymology: French
1. : a blank document signed in advance by one party to an agreement and given to the other with permission to fill in what conditions he pleases
2. : full discretionary power : unlimited delegated authority
< the architect was given carte blanche to build, landscape, and furnish the house >
3. : a hand of cards (as in piquet) containing no king, queen, or jack but having special value