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prerogative 特权;优先权









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发表于 2023-1-11 06:38:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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I. \prēˈrägəd.iv, prə̇-, -ətiv, by r-dissimilation ÷pəˈ-\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French prerogative, from Latin praerogativa preference, privilege, Roman century chosen by lot to be the first to vote in the comitia, from feminine of praerogativus that votes first, that is first asked to express an opinion, from praerogatus (past participle of praerogare to ask before another, from prae- pre- + rogare to ask) + -ivus -ive — more at right
  (1) : a right attached to an office or rank to exercise a special privilege or function; specifically : an official and hereditary right (as of a royal sovereign) that may be asserted without question and for which there is in theory no responsibility or accountability as to the fact and manner of its exercise though in practice it is usually limited by the power of public opinion or by statute and is generally (as in England) exercised on the advice of ministers who are responsible to a legislative body
  (2) : a sovereign right inhering in a state or in the head of a state
   < the prerogative of the president to commute punishments and grant reprieves or pardons >
b. : a special right or privilege belonging to a person, group, or class of individuals
  < cruelty remains the special prerogative of men — Christine Weston >
  < in his youth, to sit thus was the prerogative of the gentry — Oscar Handlin >
c. : a privilege, advantage, or precedence attaching to one who holds an office
a. : a special quality that gives superiority : a distinctive excellence
  < the lively nature and gay wit which were the family prerogativeModern Philology >
b. obsolete : precedence, preeminence
  < give me leave to have prerogative — Shakespeare >
3. : a right of voting first
Synonyms: see right
II. adjective
Etymology: Middle English (Scots), from Medieval Latin praerogativus, from Latin, that votes first
1. : of, relating to, or deriving from a prerogative : existing or exercised by special right or privilege : privileged
< prerogative power >
< prerogative right >
2. : privileged to vote first
< prerogative century of Roman citizens >
3. : of or relating to a prerogative court
< prerogative records >
< prerogative procedure >

pre·roga·tive / priˈrɔgətiv; NAmE -ˈrɑːg- /
  (formal)a right or advantage belonging to a particular person or group because of their importance or social position
   In many countries education is still the prerogative of the rich.
   the  royal prerogative (= the special rights of a king or queen)

prerogative noun
ADJECTIVE exclusive, sole Making such decisions is not the sole ~ of managers. | constitutional, judicial, managerial, presidential, royal | personal | male women who challenge male ~s
VERB + PREROGATIVE enjoy, have one of the ~s enjoyed by the president | assert (esp. AmE), exercise, use The President has asserted the full ~s of his office. | You can of course exercise your ~ to leave at any time. | defend, preserve, protect The tsar protected his personal ~s. | challenge those who challenge the ~s of the elite | retain Baker retained the ~ to craft solutions himself. | give up, surrender

NOUN:1. The right and power to command, decide, rule, or judge: authority, command, control, domination, dominion, jurisdiction, mastery, might, power, sovereignty, sway. Informal : say-so. See OVER.
2. A privilege granted a person, as by virtue of birth: appanage, birthright, perquisite, right. Law : droit. See OWNED.

[pre·rog·a·tive || prɪ'rɑgətɪv /-'rɒg-]
n. prerrogativa, regalía

These ROOT-WORDS are ROGA & ROG which come from the Latin rogare meaning TO ASK & BEG. The interesting thing is that as the words accumulate, the meanings change. No. 1 is distinctly prayer; No. 2 and No. 3 begin to claim selfishly, to presume. In No. 4 and No. 5 pride enters in. In Nos. 6, 7, and 8 the dictator annuls his treaties, breaks his word. In Nos. 9, 10, and 11 jealousy and ill will enter into the words, and they have a belittling effect.

1. Rogation : ROGA tion (roe gay’ shun) n.

Pertition; prayer

2. Arrogate : at ROGA te (ar’ o gate) v.

Claim for oneself; presume

3. Arrogation : ar ROGA tion (ar o gay’ shun) n.

The act of claiming for oneself

4. Arrogant : ar ROGA nt (ar’ o gant) adj.

Proud; presuming

5. Arrogance : ar ROGA nce (ar’ o gans) n

Pride; presumption

6. Abrogate : ab ROGA te (ab’ ro gate) v.

Do away with; annual; as, abrogate a treaty

7. Abrogative : ab ROGA tive (ab’ ro gay tiv) adj.

Causing annulment

8. Abrogation : ab ROGA tion (a bro gay’ shun) n.

Annulment; cancellation

9. Derogate : de ROGA te (der’ o gate) v.

To lessen; to diminish; as, derogate the importance of an event

10. Derogative : de ROGA tive (de rog’ at iv) adj.

Tending to belittle; to derogate

11. Derogatory : de ROGA tory (de rog’ a tore e) adj.

Making a thing appear to be less important

12. Interrogate : inter ROGA te (in ter’ o gate) v.

To question formally; ask the reason

13. Interrogation : inter ROGA tion (in ter o gay’ shun) n.

Questioning; the act of questioning

14. Prerogative : pre ROGA tive (pre rog’ at iv) n.

A privilege; superiority

15. Prorogate : pro ROGA te (pror’ o gate) v.

To delay; postpone

16. Supererogatory : superer ROGA tory(sup e re rog’ a tore e) adj.

More than needed; nonessential

17. Supererogative : superer ROGA tive (su per e rog’ a tiv) adj.


18. Supererogation : superer ROGA tion (sup e rer o gay’ shun) n.

Act of performing the nonessential

19. Surrogate : sur ROGA te (sur’ o gate) n.

A substitute; as, a surrogate judge



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