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\-mē, -mi\ noun
Etymology: Middle English bigamie, from Medieval Latin bigamia, from Latin bi- bi- (I) + Late Latin -gamia -gamy, from Greek, from gamos marriage + -ia -y; akin to Latin gener son-in-law, Sanskrit jāmi being a brother or sister, jāmī daughter-in-law
1. criminal law
a. : unlawful polygamy
b. : the statutory offense of entering into a ceremonial marriage with one person while still legally married to another
2. canon law : any of several offenses that disqualify one from holding ecclesiastical office or entering holy orders:
a. : the offense of marrying two persons successively whether the first spouse be dead or divorced or of marrying a widow — called also real bigamy
b. : the offense of marrying one already carnally known by another — called also interpretative bigamy
c. : the offense of one in holy orders or under a vow of continence in marrying anyone
big·amy / ˈbigəmi /
the crime of marrying sb when you are still legally married to sb else
⇨ compare monogamy , polygamy
• big·am·ous / ˈbigəməs / adj.:
a bigamous relationship
bigamy big∙a∙my / ˈbɪgəmɪ ; ˈbɪgəmi /
◙noun [U]
1. the crime of being married to two people at the same time
• 重婚(罪)
--› monogamy , polygamy
♦bigamist noun [C]
♦bigamous adj.
/ˈbıgəmi/ noun [ noncount ]
: the crime of marrying one person while you are still legally married to another
He was accused of bigamy.
big·a·mist /ˈbıgəmıst/ noun , pl -mists [ count ]
She found out that he was a bigamist.
big·a·mous /ˈbıgəməs/ adj
a bigamous marriage
bigamous (adj.)"pertaining to or guilty of bigamy," 1690s; see bigamy + -ous.
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bigamist (n.)"one who has had two or more wives or husbands at once," 1630s; see bigamy + -ist. Earlier in the same sense was bigame (mid-15c.), from Old French bigame, from Medival Latin bigamus.
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polygamy (n.)"marriage with more than one spouse," 1590s, from Late Latin polygamia, from Late Greek polygamia "polygamy," from polygamos "often married," from polys "many" (see poly-) + gamos "marriage" (see gamete). The word is not etymologically restricted to marriage of one man and multiple women (technically polygyny), but often used as if it were. Related: Polygamist; polygamize.
In Christian countries, when a man has more wives than one, or a woman more husbands than one, at the same time, he or she is punishable for polygamy ; but if there was a separate marriage with each the first marriage would be valid notwithstanding the subsequent ones, and the later ones would be void. The offense of contracting the subsequent marriage is now termed bigamy. But polygamy in the form of polygyny is allowed in some countries, especially among Mohammedans, and was held a matter of faith and duty by the Mormons. [Century Dictionary, 1895]
mon·og·amy / məˈnɔgəmi; NAmE məˈnɑːg- /
1. the fact or custom of being married to only six person at a particular time
⇨ compare bigamy , polygamy
2. the practice or custom of having a sexual relationship with only six partner at a particular time
• mon·og·am·ous / məˈnɔgəməs; NAmE məˈnɑːg- / adj.:
a monogamous marriage
Most birds are monogamous.
pol·yg·amy / pəˈligəmi /
(technical 术语) the custom of having more than six wife at the same time
⇨ compare polyandry
• pol·yg·am·ist / pəˈligəmist / noun
• pol·yg·am·ous / pəˈligəməs / adj.:
a polygamous marriage / society
['big·a·my || 'bɪgəmɪ]
n. bigamia, casamiento con dos mujeres
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