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induce  劝说;诱使;引起;导致;催产;催生【vt及物动词】









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in·duce / inˈdjuːs; NAmE -duːs /
1. [VN to  inf] (formal)  to persuade or influence sb to do sth
   Nothing would induce me to take the job.
2. [VN] (formal)  to cause sth
   drugs which induce sleep
   a drug-induced coma
3. [VN] (medical 医) to make a woman start giving birth to her baby by giving her special drugs
   an induced labour
   We'll have to induce her.

in∙duce / ɪnˈdus ; ɪnˈdjuːs /
verb [T]
1. [formal] to persuade someone to do something, especially something that does not seem wise
• 劝诱,诱导〔某人做某事,尤指似乎不明智的事〕:
»induce sb to do sth
»Nothing would induce me to vote for him again.

2. [medical] to make a woman give birth to her baby by giving her a special drug
• 〔用药物〕为〔产妇〕引产,催生:
»She had to be induced because the baby was four weeks late.
»The doctor decided to induce labour .
3. [formal] to cause a particular physical condition
• 诱发〔某种身体反应〕:
»Patients with eating disorders may use drugs to induce vomiting.
»drug-induced / stress-induced etc
»a drug-induced coma

\ə̇nˈd(y)üs\ transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English enducen, inducen, from Latin inducere, from in- in- (II) + ducere to lead — more at tow
a. : to move and lead (as by persuasion or influence)
  < powers of persuasion that would have induced the atheist to religion >
  : prevail upon : influence, persuade
  < was unable to induce his customers to try the product >
  < condition which had induced many persons to emigrate from the old country — John Dewey >
b. : to inspire, call forth, or bring about by influence or stimulation
  < the gift had been solicited or induced by the plaintiff — R.N.Wilkin >
  < the menace of induced immigration — H.M.Diamond >
2. archaic
a. : to bring in (as a practice, condition, custom) : introduce
b. : adduce
a. : to bring on or bring about : effect, cause
  < anesthesia induced by drugs >
  < prices that will cover the costs and induce the production — Defense Against Recession >
  < an antivitamin … was shown to induce gross malformation in the young — Americana Annual >
  < believed the Christianity … induced kindliness in men — H.J.Laski >
  (1) embryology : to cause the formation of
   < the optic cup induces lens in the adjacent ectoderm >
  (2) : to produce (as an electric current, an electric charge, or magnetic polarity) by induction
  (3) psychology : to arouse by indirect stimulation
   < induce a contrast color >
b. : arouse
  < music induces in us concepts that are vague — H.A.Overstreet >
  < induced a nostalgia for New England in persons who never saw the place — Mark Van Doren >
4. : to conclude or infer from particulars or by induction — contrasted with deduce
5. obsolete : to draw on : overspread
persuade, prevail: induce may indicate overcoming indifference, hesitation, or opposition, usually by offering for consideration persuasive advantages or gains that bring about a desired decision
  < well-meaning but misguided professors and teachers felt they were fulfilling their vocations by inducing brilliant boys and girls to flee the drudgery of the country and enter the elite professions — Irish Digest >
  < Burt, aided by his father and friends, induced Congress to aid his state in building such a canal — C.W.Mitman >
  persuade may suggest a winning over by an appeal, entreaty, or expostulation addressed as much to feelings as to reason
  < persuade management to recognize collective bargaining — Current Biography >
  < deputed by the firm of lawyers to persuade her to resume her married life — Anthony Powell >
  prevail may be used in situations in which strong opposition or reluctance is overcome by sustained argument and entreaty
  < a group of citizens of all parties had prevailed on him to enter the race — Current Biography >
  < I will go now and try to prevail on my mother to let me stay with you — G.B.Shaw >
  < prevailed upon the men in the sloop to sail up the river again, to rescue any survivors — Marjory S. Douglas >

induce 搭配的宾语
induce verb
Induce is used with these nouns as the object:

change, coma, current, defect, deficiency, euphoria, hallucination, hypnosis, injury, labour, miscarriage, paralysis, paranoia, reaction, recession, relaxation, response, sickness, sleep, trance

西班牙语解释【其中 inducir 书写接近】
[in·duce || ɪn'duːs /-'dju-]
v. inducir, causar, inspirar, instigar, motivar, sugestionar




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