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桐木舟英语翻译 「无耻当道」 应该怎么翻译成英语?









Rank: 1

发表于 2023-8-5 01:38:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最後由 Liam 於 2023-8-5 01:43 編輯

中文术语「无耻当道」可以翻译成英文为 "Shameless Reigns" 或者 "The Reign of Shamelessness." 这个词组常用来描述在特定的环境或社会中,无耻行为或行动占据主导地位的情况。
"Survival of the meanest" 可以被认为是对「无耻当道」的某些情境下适当的翻译。它传达了这样一种观点:在无耻或残忍的行为占主导地位的环境中,最狡猾、最残忍或最不择手段的人是能够蓬勃发展或成功的。这个短语强调了在这样的环境中,成功的并不一定是最有品德或同情心的个体,而是那些愿意采取不诚实或不道德手段的人。
然而,在使用这个翻译时,考虑到具体的语境和意图非常重要,因为 "survival of the meanest" 可能无法完全捕捉到原始中文词组的所有方面。在不同的语境中,"reign of shamelessness" 或者 "shamelessness prevails" 等其他可能的翻译也可能更为适合。
The Chinese term 「无耻当道」 can be translated into English as "Shameless Reigns" or "The Reign of Shamelessness." This phrase is often used to describe a situation where shameless behavior or actions are prevalent or dominant in a particular context or society.
"Survival of the meanest" can be considered as an appropriate translation for 「无耻当道」 in certain contexts. It conveys the idea that in a situation where shameless or ruthless behavior prevails, those who are the most cunning, ruthless, or unscrupulous are the ones who thrive or succeed. This phrase emphasizes the idea that in such a setting, it's not necessarily the most virtuous or compassionate individuals who succeed, but rather those who are willing to resort to dishonest or unethical means.
However, it's essential to consider the specific context and intended meaning when using this translation, as "survival of the meanest" may not fully capture all aspects of the original Chinese phrase. Other possible translations like "reign of shamelessness" or "shamelessness prevails" might also be appropriate depending on the context.

The Chinese word 「无耻」 can be translated into English using several words that convey a similar meaning. Here are some English words that can express the idea of 「无耻」:
  • Shameless
  • Disgraceful
  • Unscrupulous
  • Brazen
  • Audacious
  • Impudent
  • Insolent
  • Unashamed
  • Immoral
  • Indecent
These words all capture the sense of lacking shame or showing a lack of respect for moral or ethical standards. However, the exact nuance and intensity of the meaning may vary slightly among these words depending on the context in which they are used.

Here are examples for each expression:
  • Shameless: The politician's shameless lies and deceit were exposed during the investigation.
  • Disgraceful: His disgraceful behavior at the event caused embarrassment to his family and friends.
  • Unscrupulous: The company engaged in unscrupulous business practices to gain an unfair advantage over its competitors.
  • Brazen: The thief made a brazen attempt to steal the jewelry right in front of the security cameras.
  • Audacious: Her audacious plan to climb the highest mountain in the world astonished everyone around her.
  • Impudent: The student's impudent response to the teacher's question earned him a detention.
  • Insolent: The customer's insolent attitude towards the staff resulted in him being asked to leave the store.
  • Unashamed: She was unashamed of her unconventional choices and lived life on her own terms.
  • Immoral: The company's decision to exploit child labor in its factories was widely condemned as immoral.
  • Indecent: The comedian's indecent jokes during the family-friendly show offended many audience members.
Each of these words conveys the idea of lacking shame, disrespect for social norms, or disregard for moral principles in different contexts.

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