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skim, skimmer, 盗用信用卡电子信息,盗用银行卡信息









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发表于 2023-10-31 07:38:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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一个短消息:Guy finds an ATM Skimmer in Austria.
The sentence "Guy finds an ATM Skimmer in Austria" means that a person discovered or came across a device used for illegal activities involving ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) in Austria. In this context:
  • "Skim" is a verb that means to steal or fraudulently collect data, usually from the magnetic stripe on a credit or debit card, by using a device or "skimmer" attached to an ATM, gas pump, or similar machine. Criminals use these devices to capture card information from unsuspecting victims.
  • "Skimmer" is a noun referring to a device specifically designed for stealing card information from ATM or card reader machines. These devices are often placed discreetly on the card reader slot and can record card details as customers use the machine, leading to potential financial fraud.
So, the sentence suggests that someone encountered a skimmer device, likely one used for unauthorized card data collection, while using an ATM in Austria. This could indicate an attempt at card fraud or identity theft.

这句话 "Guy finds an ATM Skimmer in Austria" 意思是一个人在奥地利发现了一台与ATM(自动取款机)有关的非法活动设备。在这个上下文中:
  • "Skim" 是一个动词,意味着通过使用连接到ATM、加油站等机器的设备或“skimmer”非法窃取或收集数据,通常是信用卡或借记卡上的磁条数据。犯罪分子使用这些设备来从毫不知情的受害者那里获取卡片信息。
  • "Skimmer" 是一个名词,指的是专门设计用于从ATM或读卡机窃取卡片信息的设备。这些设备通常被悄悄安装在卡片读取器的插槽上,可以在客户使用机器时记录卡片详细信息,从而可能导致金融欺诈。

skim / skim /
1. [VN] ~ (sth off / from) sth to remove fat, cream, etc. from the surface of a liquid
   Skim the scum off the jam and let it cool.
   Skim the jam and let it cool.
2. [no passive] ~ (along / over, etc.) sth to move quickly and lightly over a surface, not touching it or only touching it occasionally; to make sth do this
  ▪ [V]
   We watched the birds skimming over the lake.
  ▪ [VN]
   The speedboat took off, skimming the waves.
  (figurative) This report has barely  skimmed the surface of the subject.
   (BrE) Small boys were skimming stones across the water.
⇨ see also skip  v. (7)
3. ~ (through / over) sth to read sth quickly in order to find a particular point or the main points
  ▪ [V]
   He skimmed through the article trying to find his name.
  ▪ [VN]
   I always skim the financial section of the newspaper.
4. [VN] (informal)  to steal small amounts of money frequently over a period of time
5. [V , VN] to illegally copy electronic information from a credit card in order to use it without the owner's permission
ˌskim sth / sb ↔ 'off
   to take for yourself the best part of sth, often in an unfair way


skim / skɪm ; skɪm /
verb skimmed, skimming
1. [T] to remove something from the surface of a liquid, especially floating fat, solids, or oil
• 撇去〔液体表面的浮油或固体物质〕:
»skim sth off / from sth
»After simmering the meat, skim the fat from the surface.
2. [I,T] to read something quickly to find the main facts or ideas in it
• 略读,浏览〔以找出主要信息〕;
【SYN】 scan
»Julie skimmed the sports page.
▪ [+ through / over ]
»Just skim through the second section to save time.
3. [T] to move along quickly over a surface, never touching it or not touching it often
• 掠过,擦过:
»seagulls skimming the waves
▪ [+ over / along / across ]
»The ball skimmed across the grass and stopped against the wall.
4. skim stones / pebbles etc, [BrE] to throw smooth, flat stones into a lake, river etc in a way that makes them jump across the surface
• 打水漂;
【SYN】 skip [AmE] 【PHR V】
skim sb / sth∽off
1. to take the best people or the best part of something for yourself
• 挑走〔最优秀的人〕; 选取〔精华〕:
»Professional sport skims off all the best players.
2. to take money illegally or dishonestly
• 捞走〔钱〕:
»For years his business partner had been skimming off the profits.

/ˈskım/ verb , skims, skimmed, skim·ming
  1 [  + obj  ] : to remove a layer of something from the surface of a liquid
   I skimmed the fat from the broth. = I skimmed the broth to remove the fat.
   He skimmed the leaves from the pool.
   The cream is skimmed from the milk.
   The milk is skimmed before it is bottled.
  — see also skim milk
  2 : to look over or read (something) quickly especially to find the main ideas
   [  + obj  ] She only skimmed the reading assignment.
   [  no obj  ] She only skimmed through/over the reading assignment.
  3 [  + obj  ] Brit : to throw (a flat stone) along the surface of water so that it bounces
   He is really good at skimming [=(US) skipping] stones.
  4 : to move quickly or lightly along, above, or near the surface of something
   [  no obj  ] The ducks skimmed across/over the water before landing.
   [  + obj  ] The ducks skimmed the surface of the pond before landing.
  skim off [  phrasal verb  ]
   skim off (something) or skim (something) off : to take (something valuable) for yourself out of something else
    He skimmed off some of the profits.

I. \ˈskimə(r)\ noun
Etymology: Middle English, alteration (influenced by -er) of skymour, from skymen, skimmen to skim + -or, -our -or
1. : a utensil or implement used for skimming: as
a. : a flat perforated scoop or spoon used for skimming cooking liquids or lifting ripened cream from milk
b. : a broad-bladed jointer
c. : an implement to prevent dross or slag from running over with the molten metal from a ladle to a mold
d. : a device similar to a power shovel for skimming off the surface of the ground in grading
e. : a perforated shovel used in lifting salt out of an evaporating pan
a. : one that skims
  < the structure of the modern news story is suited to the skimmer — F.L.Mott >
b. : one whose work is skimming (as dirt from the surface of a vat of oysters or slag from molten metal)
c. : a worker who sprinkles flux on molten magnesium to keep it from igniting when it is poured into molds
3. : any of several long-winged littoral marine birds of the genus Rynchops that are related to the terns, have the lower mandible compressed like a knife blade and much longer than the upper, fly rapidly along the surface of the water with the lower mandible immersed to skim out small marine animals
a. : water strider
b. : a dragonfly of the genus Libellula
5. : a usually straw flat-crowned hat with a wide straight brim
dialect Britain
variant of shimmer
III. noun
: a fitted sleeveless usually flaring sheathlike dress

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