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有关What do you think?注意几个类似错误表达;"think"和"think of""think about"都可以带宾语 意思有不同









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What do you think of?
What do you think?
What do you think about?
How do you think?

Here's an explanation of each expression:

What do you think of? **
This phrase is incomplete without an object (e.g., What do you think of the movie?). It's used when asking someone's opinion about something specific. So, it needs to be followed by a noun or a noun phrase.

What do you think?
This is correct and common. It's a general way of asking for someone's opinion or thoughts about something. For example: What do you think? (after showing someone a new design or idea).

What do you think about? **
This phrase is incomplete without an object (e.g., What do you think about the new policy?). It's used when asking someone’s opinion about a particular topic. So, it should be followed by a specific subject.

How do you think? **
This is not typically used in English. It could work in very specific situations where you're asking about someone's thought process (e.g., How do you think when solving problems?), but it's rare and can sound awkward. Generally, people say "What do you think?" instead.

In summary:
  • Correct: "What do you think?" (general), "What do you think of X?", "What do you think about X?"
  • Incorrect or uncommon: "What do you think of?" (needs an object), "What do you think about?" (needs an object), "How do you think?" (rarely used).

就是说,What do you think of(about),后面缺乏了介词的宾语。

What do you think of when you see the stars, the moon, or the sun? 这个句子也是是正确的。

What do you think when you see the stars, the moon, or the sun?
What do you think of when you see the stars, the moon, or the sun?
第一句:动词+宾语的模式是"think  +what", “想什么”
第二句:动词+宾语的模式是"think of +what", “想到什么”【能带上of,是因为有了附加条件了】

  • What do you think when you see the stars, the moon, or the sun?
    • "What do you think" 在这里是直接询问你看到星星、月亮或太阳时心里产生的想法。
    • "when you see the stars, the moon, or the sun" 是时间状语从句,表示"当你看到这些东西时"。
    • 这个句子不需要 "of",因为它询问的是你看到这些物体时的总体思想或感受。
  • What do you think of when you see the stars, the moon, or the sun?
    • "What do you think of" 询问的是你对某件特定事情的联想或看法。这里的 "of" 是表示"联想到"或"想到"。
    • "when you see the stars, the moon, or the sun" 同样是时间状语从句,但在这里的意思是:你在看到这些物体时,具体联想到了什么?
    • 这个句子特别是在询问当你看到星星、月亮或太阳时,你会联想到或想到的具体事物。
  • 第一个句子 更笼统地询问你的思考或感受。
  • 第二个句子 更专注于你的联想,特别是当你看到这些物体时,你的头脑中浮现的是什么。
两个句子都正确,区别在于它们关注的侧重点:think 是思考的过程,而 think of 更注重联想或具体的想法。

"What do you think of when you see the stars, the moon, or the sun?" is asking someone what comes to mind or what thoughts they have when they observe these things. The structure and phrasing are natural and grammatically sound.

在这个句子里,"when you see the stars, the moon, or the sun" 是一个时间状语从句,表示在什么时间或条件下发生动作。它并不充当句子的宾语。
  • What do you think of:这是主句,其中 "What" 是疑问代词,充当 think of 的宾语。
  • when you see the stars, the moon, or the sun:这是时间状语从句,修饰动词 think of,说明是在什么情况下进行这个思考。
因此,"when you see the stars, the moon, or the sun" 是时间状语从句,而不是宾语。句子中宾语是 "What",即问的是你在看到这些东西时会想到什么。

而在句子 "What do you think of?"(这个不完整) 里,"of" 是一个介词,而介词后面通常需要有一个名词或名词短语作为宾语(object),例如 "What do you think of the movie?"
然而,在 "What do you think of when you see the stars, the moon, or the sun?" 这个句子里,"when you see the stars, the moon, or the sun" 是一个时间状语从句,并不是介词 "of" 的宾语(object)。换句话说,这个时间从句并不是 "think of" 直接的宾语,而是修饰 "think of",告诉你在什么条件下发生思考的动作。真正的宾语是 "what"动词+宾语的模式是"think of + what", 即问的是“你在看见星星、月亮或太阳时会想到什么?”

这里"think of"直接被认为是一个动词短语,需要带宾语。"think of" 具有下面的意思:
'think of sth / sb
1. to have an image or idea of sth / sb in your mind
   When I said that I wasn't thinking of anyone in particular.
2. to create an idea in your imagination
   Can anybody think of a way to raise money?
   Have you thought of a name for the baby yet?
3. [no passive] (used especially with can 尤与 can 连用) to remember sth / sb
   I can think of at least seven occasions when he arrived late.
   I can't think of her name at the moment.

"What do you think about when you see the stars, the moon, or the sun?" 这个句子也是正确的。
在这个句子中,"about" 是介词,与 "think" 搭配成 "think about" 短语,用于询问你看到星星、月亮或太阳时的思考内容。
  • "What""think about" 的宾语。
  • "when you see the stars, the moon, or the sun" 是时间状语,说明在什么情况下你进行思考。
"What do you think of when..." 类似,"What do you think about when..." 也表达了同样的含义,只是介词 "about""of" 之间略有差异。两者都可以用来询问某人对某件事情的想法,但 "think about" 通常更强调对某件事情的较深入或持续的思考,而 "think of" 更常用于较快地提及某个想法或印象。
'think about / of sb / sth
1. to consider sb / sth when you are doing or planning sth
   Don't you ever think about other people?
2. to consider doing sth
  ▪ [+ -ing ]
   She's thinking of changing her job.


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