wordfrequency网站统计出了最常用的2265个单词,其中有46个是介词。有的单纯只用作介词,有的除了介词词性还有其它的词性。这46个介词分别如下:
of
with
at
from
into
during
including
until
against
among
throughout
despite
towards
upon
concerning
to
in
for
on
by
about
like
through
over
before
between
after
since
without
under
within
along
following
across
behind
plus
except
but
up
out
around
down
off
above
near
按照字母排序:
about
above
across
after
against
along
among
around
at
before
behind
between
but
by
concerning
despite
down
during
except
following
for
from
in
including
into
like
near
of
off
on
out
over
plus
since
through
throughout
to
towards
under
until
up
upon
with
within
without