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如何转出域名 从namesilo把域名转出去如何操作 godaddy, namecheap, 国外域名商转出去 获得授权码









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Hello there! If you want to proceed with the transfer, please follow the instructions on this page:
Please note: authorization code can be also obtained via CSV file. Just click on the CSV icon above the search box, on the left side of Return to my account button at your Domain Manager page:

  • 访问转移页面
  • 获取授权码(Auth Code)
    • 授权码是您转移域名至其他注册商时需要的凭证。
    • 在Domain Manager页面上,您可以点击搜索框上方的CSV图标,从中下载包含授权码的CSV文件。这个图标位于“Return to my account”按钮的左边。
    • 也可以单独查看授权码,按前面提到的步骤进行操作。
  • 完成转移流程
    • 使用授权码在新的注册商处发起转移。
    • 按照新注册商的指示,完成域名转移流程。

顺便说说什么是CSV文件。CSV(Comma-Separated Values)文件是一种简单的文本文件,用于存储表格数据。每一行代表一条记录,每条记录中的数据项用逗号分隔。例如,CSV文件常用于存储电子表格中的数据,可以很方便地在不同的软件之间进行数据传输。
在这个例子中,每一行表示一个域名及其对应的授权码。这种文件格式可以很容易地被Excel、Google Sheets等电子表格软件读取和编辑。

Domain Locking/Unlocking
Locking and unlocking refers to the ability to transfer domains to different registrars. Unfortunately, there are many stories of people and companies losing their domain names due to inadvertent or even fraudulent transfers.
When a domain is locked, we will reject any request to transfer it to a different registrar. As part of our commitment to offer the most secure environment possible, all domains entering your account (via new registrations, transfers or account pushes) do so in the locked status. We also provide domain locking entirely free of charge with no limitations.
We recommend only unlocking your domains immediately before transferring to a different registrar... but why would you ever want to do that!

Domain Statuses
The following status will only be set when your domain is locked via your account:
  • clientTransferProhibited
The status of "clientTransferProhibited" is the registry status for a domain that cannot be transferred.
Get Lock Status Directly From ICANN
We have provided a link below for your reference to get the official WHOIS record for any domain. Simply go to http://www.internic.net/whois.html, enter the domain in question, and then click the "Submit" button. The subsequent page will include any registry-level statuses applied to the domain.
  • 解锁域名
    • 登录您的NameSilo账户。
    • 在“Manage My Domains”(管理我的域名)页面找到您要转出的域名。
    • 点击该域名旁边的“Lock”或“Unlock”按钮,解锁该域名。这样,域名的状态将从“clientTransferProhibited”变为可转移状态。
  • 获取转移授权码
    • 一旦域名解锁,找到并选择“Auth Code”或“EPP Code”选项。NameSilo会生成一个授权码,这是转移域名至其他注册商所需的凭证。
    • 复制并保存该授权码。
  • 发起转移
    • 在目标注册商处,发起转入域名的流程。
    • 提供域名和授权码,按照目标注册商的指示完成剩余的步骤。
  • 确认转移请求
    • NameSilo通常会发送一封确认邮件。按照邮件中的指示确认转移请求。
    • 确认转移后,注册商将处理您的请求,并在大约5到7天内完成转移。

Domain Manage 查看,右边,有个锁状态的按钮,是黄色状态,意味着,此时已经锁上了。点击下,会出现:
Unlock Domains   
    Press the "Submit" button to unlock all of the domains listed above. When a domain is unlocked it can be transferred    to a different registrar or pushed into a different NameSilo account. We highly recommend keeping all domains locked and only     unlocking them immediately before transfer to avoid unauthorized transfers.

点击"Submit", 意思就是提交。会出现:
The selected domains have been unlocked.
Please allow up to a few minutes for this update to complete in our system.


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就在“Quick settings”同一个页面,最下面,有个"Transfer & Lock":
Authorization Code, Reset Auth Code, Send Email
点击 "Reset Auth Code", 会提示你是否确定,点击确定confirm,再点击"Send Email", 这样,邮箱就会收到授权码。拿这个授权码,去接受你域名的域名商那里填写好,付款,就完成了域名的迁移了。总的来说,namesilo,会像大多数域名商一样,一般不会设置障碍,拦阻你不让你转出,只是会表示遗憾。在解锁之前,有个页面说,你该再次仔细考虑下,他们那价格还是很优惠的,还有邮件转发功能,这个是希望挽留你。这些你都不用管了。想转出去,就转吧。

How to transfer away from NameSilo   
Please note that you do not need to transfer your domain to your hosting company simply to host your web site. You can leave your domain with NameSilo. Simply ask your hosting provider for instructions to link your domain to their service.
We understand the need may arise to transfer your domain away from NameSilo to a different registrar. We aim to make this process as simple as possible, unlike many of our competitors who seem to make transferring away as complex as possible seemingly in hopes people will simply give up!
Before you transfer out, please note that most people transfer to us and not away. As you can see by the numbers on that page, we have a very high ratio of domains transferring to us versus those that transfer way. Some of the biggest reasons likely include our extremely low pricing for registrations, renewals and transfers as well as the fact that all add-ons such as WHOIS Privacy, Email Forwarding, etc. are entirely free forever. We also offer an extremely competitive Marketplace for the buying and selling of domain names.
Steps to transfer away
Please see the instructions below if you would still like to transfer your domain to a different registrar. You will need to complete the steps listed below within your account at NameSilo. Once you have completed these steps, you will then be ready to work with your new registrar to accommodate the rest of the process.
  • Unlock the domain. To do so, simply check the box next to the domain and then click the "Unlock Domains" icon.
  • Retrieve the authorization EPP code.
  • Do a WHOIS look up on the domain. Your registrar will send an email to the Registrant or Administrative contact email address that is displayed. If your domain is private, you can maintain WHOIS privacy as our system will forward any email sent to the WHOIS privacy email address listed. Just be sure that you have added your email address to the "WHOIS Privacy Email" field on the Account Maintenance page.
  • Once your registrar emails you and submits the transfer request to the registry, you will be able to expedite the transfer out without waiting the standard 5-6 days. Simply go to the Transfer Manager page in your account. You will see the transfer listed in the "Pending Outbound Transfers" list. If the domain is not listed, it means your registrar has not submitted the request to the registry yet.
Reasons your transfer may not work
Please understand that the process of transferring is handled largely by the gaining registrar (the registrar you are transferring your domain to). Therefore, if your transfer is not proceeding, you will need to ask your new registrar for the reason and they can provide further detail.
Domains must also meet the following criteria in order to be transferred:
  • Must have been registered more than 60 days ago
  • Could not have transferred from a different registrar within the last 60 days
  • Was not purchased via our Marketplace within the last 60 days
  • Is not locked due to court order, UDRP action, etc.
We sincerely hope you have enjoyed using our service and that you are not leaving due to any problem. We are always happy to learn about how we can improve our services so if there is any feedback you can provide concerning your reason for leaving, please let us know.     

  • 解锁域名:选中域名前的复选框,然后点击“Unlock Domains”图标。
  • 获取授权EPP码
  • 进行WHOIS查询:新注册商会向注册人或管理联系人邮箱发送邮件。如果您的域名是私有的,您可以保留WHOIS隐私,因为我们的系统会将发送到WHOIS隐私邮箱的邮件转发给您。只需确保您已在“WHOIS Privacy Email”字段中添加了您的邮箱地址。
  • 加速转移过程:新注册商发送邮件并向注册局提交转移请求后,您可以立即加速转出过程,无需等待5-6天。前往账户中的Transfer Manager页面,您将在“Pending Outbound Transfers”列表中看到该转移。如果未显示该域名,说明新注册商尚未向注册局提交请求。
  • 注册时间需超过60天
  • 最近60天内未从其他注册商转入
  • 最近60天内未通过我们的Marketplace购买
  • 未因法院命令、UDRP行动等原因被锁定

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