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人们常说,他怀有侥幸心理,这个是凭侥幸取胜的, 那么,怎么用英语翻译呢?
表达这个意思,英语里可以用到的词语有:accident, chance, stroke of good luck, fortuity, hap, happenchance, happenstance, hazard......等。
fluke / fluːk /
[usually sing.]
(informal) a lucky or unusual thing that happens by accident, not because of planning or skill
They are determined to show that their last win was no fluke.
a fluke goal
• fluky (also flukey) / ˈfluːki / adj.
fluke / fluk ; fluːk /
◙noun [C] [informal]
1. something good that happens because of luck
• 侥幸,偶然,意外:
»He agreed that the second goal was a fluke.
♦fluky, flukey adj:
»a fluky win
/ˈfluːk/ noun , pl flukes [ count ]
informal : something that happens because of luck : an unexpected or unusual thing that happens by accident
Her second championship shows that the first one was no mere fluke.
By some strange fluke we ended up working for the same company.
I. \ˈflük\ noun
Etymology: Middle English fluke, floke, from Old English flōc; akin to Old Norse flōki flounder, Old High German flah smooth — more at flake
1. : flatfish; especially : summer flounder
2. : a flattened, leaf-shaped or lanceolate digenetic trematode worm; sometimes : trematode — see liver fluke
II. noun
Etymology: perhaps from fluke (I); from the flat shape, resembling a flounder
1. : the part of an anchor that fastens in the ground; especially : the broad end of each arm — see anchor illustration
2. : something shaped like the broad end of the arm of an anchor: as
a. : the barbed head or one of the barbs of a harpoon, whaling lance, arrow, or similar weapon
b. : one of the lobes of a whale's tail
c. : an instrument used to clean a hole in rock preparatory to blasting
III. transitive verb
: to make (a dead whale) fast by the tail (as for removing and processing blubber)
IV. noun
Etymology: origin unknown
1. : an accidentally successful stroke at billiards or pool
2. : an accidental advantage or result of an action : an extraordinary stroke of good or bad luck
< he won by a fluke >
< such a fall was a pure fluke >
V. verb
transitive verb
: to get, make, do, or succeed in by chance or accident
intransitive verb
: to succeed or fail by chance
Search result show the entry is found in: lancet fluke , or liver fluke , or lung fluke , or sand fluke , or bile fluke , or blood fluke , or cecal fluke , or chinese liver fluke , or american fluke
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