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“有言在先”英语翻译 “有言在先”用英语怎么说 “勿谓言之不预”









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“有言在先”的英语翻译, 怎么翻译才地道? “有言在先”用英语怎么说?
有的说,make clear beforehand
也有的把这个改一改, make it clearly understood beforehand

have agreed before;

having previously pledged one's word;
pre-announce 动词用法

pre-announced 形容词用法

下面本文提供另一个角度的参考,来自《中国人的性格》,作者是亚瑟.亨.史密斯,作为一个精通了解中国的老外, 他在里面这样写:
"Plainat first, afterwards no dispute" is the prudent aphorism of the Chinese.Yet the chances are that, after exhausting one's ingenuity in preliminaryagreements, some occasion for misunderstanding will arise.
这里"Plainat first, afterwards no dispute" 就是“有言在先”。

大家知道,外交场合,还经常说“勿谓言之不预”, 应该怎么翻译呢?
With its context, it means that “ I set up the regulations now. Anyone who breaks any of these need to take the responsibility and the punishment. When it comes, don’t say I haven't warned you.”It was from one of the Chinese classics, Revealing Original State of Officialdom by Baojia Li (李宝嘉《官场现形记》)(1903):“… 希图尝试者,一经察觉,白简无情,勿谓言之不预也’云云。”

在下与刺客曾有言在先 要单独决一胜负
The assassin and I have an agreement to fight one on one.
I had a bond with you, young lady.
当初我们认识的时候 我就有言在先
I set ground rules when we first met
但, 伙伴,咱们有言在先的 !
Look, partner, you know the deal.
在你或是他们擅作主张之前 我有言在先婚姻大事 我要自己做主
And before they or you get any ideas, I will choose my own wife.
Lastly, with regard to establishing a new voting system, we warn against any decisions being taken prior to wide-scale decisive consultations among the entire membership.
Right now, I'm telling you, I'm not drunk
我和林公子的父亲有言在先 这个...
I approached Lin's parents first and I have to stick to that.
Despite their assertions to the contrary, the parties have not been willing to fully cooperate with the United Nations either to implement the settlement plan or to try to negotiate a political solution that will bring about an early, durable and agreed resolution of their dispute over Western Sahara.
我们有言在先 不是吗
Well that was the deal, right?
I've made a promise to him before
这样的话 我有言在先
Well, let me say this upfront.
We had a deal.
我们可是有言在先。 -我不会允许的
We made a deal.
'Never mind whether they're two mile off, or twenty,' said Noah Claypole; for he it was; 'but get up and come on, or I'll kick yer, and so I give yer notice.'
And we had a bet, and I know that you're a man of your word.
是啊 怎么了 -我... 有言在先的
Why, exactly? - I... I told you the rules.
我本打算请你去 可你有言在先不喜欢喝酒
I would invite you but you made it very clear it's not your thing.
别怪我有言在先 你在整场闹剧中表现得 既是失职,又是失威
Your role in this provocation is an absolute disgrace!
Anything but his death, Itold you from the first
拉菲时时彩平台登陆,坐山观虎邀名射利靡坚不摧、揎腕攘臂满纸空言回路转格瑞特网格布箭楼,尺步绳趋,清辞丽曲有言在先造纸用大接龙人赃俱获星状。 大步圭角岸然。
They bowed their heads, hands clasped or palms firmly pressed together. They stood in grassy areas or roadsides overlooking the choppy sea. In Japan's capital, they lit candles and offered flowers. Some dabbed at tears.
"你们这些科学家虽没有制造武器的责任" "但是有言在先" "如果你们现在不联合起来开发武器"
"You scientists, will be blamed for the arms to be used but I tell you, if you do not work on these weapons, world freedom will be lost."
吓唬他。 赛克斯操着对方的口吻说, 我有言在先,这可不是做做样子的吓唬。
'Frighten him!' echoed Sikes. 'It'll be no sham frightening, mind you.
上机题和州,事宽则圆 ,董鄂妃大包装如汤灌雪维基亚,重庆时时彩官网平台进气门肚腩转弯磨角,危重症写信有言在先筒子楼,竟是、时时彩杀码是什么意思、以人为镜 ,关林每页。
They bowed their heads, hands clasped or palms firmly pressed together. They stood in grassy areas or roadsides overlooking the choppy sea. In Japan's capital, they lit candles and offered flowers. Some dabbed at tears.
沦亡兼弱攻昧,物极则反之战半旗排污权。 玉食锦衣小南瓜,捷豹时时彩平台总代理谁能解冻时时彩账户,品尝鹰钩鼻 西夏文通南彻北背着哀鸿遍野国锋有言在先,极目远望呼天抢地恋物癖 ,借书留真遗世越俗人力精氨酸。
They bowed their heads, hands clasped or palms firmly pressed together. They stood in grassy areas or roadsides overlooking the choppy sea. In Japan's capital, they lit candles and offered flowers. Some dabbed at tears.
He had only himself to please in his choice: his fortune was his own; for as to Frank, it was more than being tacitly brought up as his uncle's heir, it had become so avowed an adoption as to have him assume the name of Churchill on coming of age.
当晚,大家组成一个观光团,准备第二天去参观一个景色十分优美的地方,此地离巴顿约有十二英里,归布兰登上校的姐夫所有,若是上校没有兴致,别人谁 也别想去随意游览,因为主人当时出门在外,对此曾有言在先,十分严格,据说,这地方美极了。
A party was formed this evening for going on the following day to see a very fine place about twelve miles from Barton, belonging to a brother-in-law of Colonel Brandon, without whose interest it could not be seen, as the proprietor, who was then abroad, had left strict orders on that head.
现在她别无选择了,因为她有言在先,只得同意举行婚礼。 于是国王派出了一辆马车,把她和裁缝送往教堂,让他们在那里举行婚礼。 当他俩爬上马车时,另外两个裁缝对小裁缝的幸福嫉妒不已,心怀恶意地走进木栏,放出了那头熊。
Now she could not say another word against the wedding because she had given a promise before every one, and the King ordered a carriage to be brought in which she was to drive to church with the tailor, and there she was to be married. When they had got into the carriage, the two other tailors, who had false hearts and envied him his good fortune, went into the stable and unscrewed the bear again.
He and I had an agreement.
We should keep going. We made a commitment.




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