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安装OpenCart最新版本会比较不稳定吗? OpenCart 4.x 版本带来哪些新改变?你会考虑安装最新版本的Opencart 4.1版本吗?建议最新PATCH 版本









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 6 天前 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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安装 OpenCart 最新版本会比较不稳定吗?


假设目前最新的版本是,依据最新的版本一定比较不稳定的逻辑,等到 释出之后,由于 已经不是最新版本了,所以就会比较稳定了。

可是,此时的4.1.0.0 版,与它刚刚被释出时,是一模一样的东西啊? 既然程式码都没变,怎么会因为放了一段时间,就会变稳定呢? 不论4.1.0. x 出到几版, 的稳定性都不会变,并不是越不新的版本就会变得越稳定。

关于 OpenCart 版本编号的规则,在 github (https://github.com/opencart/opencart) 上有详细说明。

使用 Google 翻译 OpenCart 的版本编号规则说明大致说明就是,前2 个编号代码,都是属于核心架构有更动的情形,所以刚释出时的确有不稳定的风险,例如4.1.0.0 若刚释出,可能会比4.0.3.5 出现更多状况。

第 3 个编号代码则通常是新模组的加入,较常见是新的金流模组,这种新模组的加入,其实几乎不会影响系统的稳定性,除非你使用了这个新的模组。

第 4 个编号代码则是在更新前一个版本释出之后,所累积已修正 bug 的程式更新。

一个 版刚释出的时候,由于更新了核心架构,的确有尚未稳定的风险,不建议立即使用在正式网站,可以考虑使用前一个稳定版本。

但如果是4.1.0.0 与4.1.0.1 PATCH 版本比较时,建议毫不考虑的采用最新的4.1.0.1,因为4.1.0.1 就是用来修正4.1.0.0 版中的bug,就是要让4.1.0. x 版变得更稳定而释出的,要安装新系统时,当然是先考虑这个版本。

如果您追求稳定,建议可以不要在新 PATCH 版本释出的第一天就下载使用,可以等个 3、5天,若没有马上再释出更新的 PATCH 版本,就代表这个 PATCH 版本是稳定的。

OpenCart 官方都已如此明确的解说版本的规则了,就请不要再听信毫无根据的坊间传说了。
本文来源:https://24cc.com/860/%E5%AE%89%E ... %E5%AE%9A%E5%97%8E/

The version is broken down into 4 points e.g We use MAJOR.MINOR.FEATURE.PATCH to describe the version numbers.
A MAJOR is very rare, it would only be considered if the source was effectively re-written or a clean break was desired for other reasons. This increment would likely break most 3rd party modules.
A MINOR is when there are significant changes that affect core structures. This increment would likely break some 3rd party modules.
A FEATURE version is when new extensions or features are added (such as a payment gateway, shipping module etc). Updating a feature version is at a low risk of breaking 3rd party modules.
A PATCH version is when a fix is added, it should be considered safe to update patch versions e.g to

OpenCart will announce to developers 1 week prior to public release of FEATURE versions, this is to allow for testing of their own modules for compatibility. For bigger releases (ones that contain many core changes, features and fixes) an extended period will be considered following an announced release candidate (RC). Patch versions (which are considered safe to update with) may have a significantly reduced developer release period.
The master branch will always contain an "_rc" postfix of the next intended version. The next "_rc" version may change at any time.
Developer release source code will not change once tagged.
If a bug is found in an announced developer release that is significant (such as a major feature is broken) then the release will be pulled. A patch version will be issued to replace it, depending on the severity of the patch an extended testing period may be announced. If the developer release version was never made public then the preceding patch version tag will be removed.
To receive developer notifications about release information, sign up to the newsletter on the OpenCart website - located in the footer. Then choose the developer news option.

版本由 4 个部分组成,例如。我们使用 MAJOR.MINOR.FEATURE.PATCH 来描述版本号。
  • MAJOR 版本非常少见,只有在源代码被完全重写或由于其他原因需要彻底更改时才会考虑。此更新可能会破坏大多数第三方模块。
  • MINOR 版本表示有影响核心结构的重大更改。此更新可能会影响一些第三方模块。
  • FEATURE 版本表示新增了扩展或功能(如支付网关、运输模块等)。更新功能版本时,第三方模块受影响的风险较低。
  • PATCH 版本表示新增修复。更新补丁版本应被视为安全的,例如从 更新到。
OpenCart 会在公开发布 FEATURE 版本前 1 周向开发人员预先公告,以便他们测试模块的兼容性。对于更大规模的发布(包含大量核心更改、功能和修复的版本),在候选版本 (RC) 宣布后,将视情况延长测试期。补丁版本(被认为是安全更新的版本)的开发者预发布期可能会大幅缩短。
主分支将始终包含下一个预期版本的 “_rc” 后缀。下一个 “_rc” 版本可能随时变更。
要接收有关发布信息的开发者通知,请在 OpenCart 网站的页脚注册新闻通讯,并选择开发者新闻选项。


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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

 楼主| 发表于 6 天前 | 显示全部楼层

OpenCart 4.x版本,你该知道些什么?

OpenCart 4.x 版本带来的新改变

介绍 OpenCart 4 带来的新变化,包含底层框架、视觉化编辑器、emoji 表情符号的支援,以及各种小地方的优化及改善等等。

OpenCart 4 历经了5、6 年的努力,今年终于逐渐来到稳定堪用的状态,不过5、6 年的改版,并没有为系统增加太多令人惊艳的强大功能,我认为主要的改变是底层框架的升级,以及系统架构的调整,因为这些都是重大基础建设,就像一栋大楼的地基一般,必须先稳定之后,再来追求上层的功能应用,是合理的进程。
如果在底层架构尚未稳定之前,就在其上建设发展了一堆应用功能,若是底层需要再进行调整修改,则上面的应用功能就可能得被迫配合调整,不只为系统的开发增添不必要的困扰,也容易造成模组不相容,所以目前的OpenCart 4 并没有太多厉害的新功能,不过相信接下来的改版,应该就会比较侧重在功能的扩增强化,例如近期释出的Blog新功能。
即便如此,OpenCart 4 仍然修正了许多OpenCart 3 的小缺点,带来不少的小优化,这篇文章我将会持续更新,为大家介绍OpenCart 带来了那些小改进,这些小优化虽然不至于让OpenCart 4 的功能,能与网路上主流的开店平台分庭抗礼,但我认为这些优化让OpenCart 4 变得更加亲民,进入的门槛变得更低,对新手电商们来说,绝对是很棒的选择。

Table of Contents
PHP 版本与底层框架的升级

PHP 版本與底層框架的升級
核心程式全面以PHP 8.x 语法的改写,这是相当重要的更新,目前最新的OpenCart 已经将PHP 最低版本要求提升至PHP 8.2,不只让OpenCart 4 可以享受PHP 8.2 带来的效能提升,商家们也不用再担心主机环境太新的问题了,目前市面上的Linux 主机商,估略有9 成以上是支援PHP 8.2 的,而未来的几年,这个比例只会越来越接近100 %,OpenCart 4 将会维持支援最主流的环境。
关于底层框架,OpenCart 主要的底层框架包含了Bootstrap(由v3.3.7 升级到v5.3.2)、JQuery(由2.1.1 升级到3.7.1)、Font Awesome(由4.7.0 升级到6.4.2) ,另外后台的视觉化编辑器,则由原本的summernote 变更为强悍的CKEditor,前面列的每一项都是大幅度的跨越式升级,这些升级对一般使用者来说,或许感觉不是那么明显,但是许多扩充模组也会用到这些框架,这些框架的升级也会让模组开发者受惠,更容易开发出好用的功能扩充。

CharSet 预设变更为 utf8mb4,这有什么功能呢? 这代表你可以在商品名称、商品描述中,使用带有颜色的 emoji 表情符号字元了。
在OpenCart 3 的年代,我已经协助过近百个OpenCart 网站,让他们的商品名称、商品描述能使用emoji 表情符号字元,这些修改对我们团队来说算是小工程,但对于不懂程式的OpenCart商家来说,可能就无法轻易地自行修改,我相信这也是过去让人觉得OpenCart 不是那么好用的众多因素之一,很高兴OpenCart 4 跟上了时代,将utf8mb4 设定为预设的charset,让商家可以接使用emoji 表情符号字元。

从OpenCart 自2.0 版与2.2 版开始,便相继提供了Modification(代码替换机制) 与Event System(事件系统),让第三方厂商可借此来开发扩充功能,Event System 是类似WordPress 的hook 机制,但功能没那么强大,触发时机很受限,有些功能的修改用Event 机制改起来绑手绑脚,Modification(OCMod 机制) 的修改弹性就相当大,几乎系统所有的php 档和twig(版型)档案都可以任意修改,不过Event 机制因为限制较多,对系统造成的稳定性影响也较小,而OCMod 机制因为可以任意修改php 和twig 档,所以也容易相互冲突,对于系统升级的相容性也较低。
而从 OpenCart 4.0 开始,系统逐渐朝向可线上更新的目标,为了顾及系统稳定性,避免系统更新后发生与扩充功能相容性的问题,就不再提供 Modification(OCMod) 机制,只保留 Event 机制。
在OpenCart 的Marketplace (扩充功能市集),有第三方厂商提供了for OpenCart 4.0 的VQMod 机制,这是一套与Modification(OCMod) 相似的代码替换机制,让OpenCart 4 的使用者或开发者,得以继续使用过去的代码替换模组来修改程式或版型,Marketplace (扩充功能市集)上也已经出现不少使用VQMod 来开发的扩充模组,这类模组虽然也使可以使用,但当你的OpenCart 未来进行(小)升级时,造成系统无法运作的机会是比采用Event 机制开发出来的模组更高的。

在OpenCart 4.0 之前的版本,开发团队似乎比较没又注意到对于multibyte 语系的支援,所以在选择图片的对话框中,中文档名常会出现如下图的乱码,这是因为在之前的版本,系统为了让这边的档名不要因为太长而造成跑版,所以透过程式将过长的档名插入一个换行字元,但因为没有考量到multibyte 语系(例如中文),于是在被硬插入一个换行字元之后,中文的档案名称就变成了下图的乱码样子了。
OpenCart 4.0 改善了这个问题,改用 css 的语法来控制过长的档名换行,所以不再使用程式暴力换行,因此中文档案在 OpenCart 4 上面,现在已经能够正常得显示中文档名了。



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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

 楼主| 发表于 5 天前 | 显示全部楼层

OpenCart 4 对比 OpenCart 3 哪一个更稳定?应该怎么选?

OpenCart 4 vs OpenCart 3 – Which is the most stable version of Opencart?

OpenCart is a popular open-source eCommerce platform. It is free to download and use, and it offers a wide range of features that can be expanded with add-ons and plugins. With its recent release of OpenCart 4, many users are wondering if it is now stable enough to use for their online stores. In this article, we compare OpenCart 4 vs OpenCart 3 to help you decide which version is right for you.

Table of Contents
What has changed in OpenCart 4?
Compatible PHP Version
Code Structure
Database structure of OpenCart 4 vs OpenCart 3
OpenCart 3
OpenCart 4
Website Loading Speed
The most stable OpenCart version
OpenCart 4 vs OpenCart 3: Which one is better?
To sum up

What has changed in OpenCart 4?
What has changed between the most recent major version and the earlier OpenCart platform build: OpenCart 4 vs OpenCart 3?

●Ocmod cannot be used. Currently, Events must be used to integrate the modules.
●The structure of the folders used to store modules: Each extension (or author) will have its own directory inside the new root directory /extension/, which now houses all add-on files. The intermediate extension folder was also deleted at the same time. As a result, the following will be the path to the module's front-end controller: /extension/opencartbot/catalog/controller/module/new module.php. Additionally, the following will be the path to the module template: /extension/opencartbot/catalog/view/template/module/new module.twig
●The product block that was previously in the list templates has been moved to product/thumb.twig. To modify the button or add stickers to the product, you no longer need to edit all of the templates.
●The common/pagination.twig template now contains pagination.
●Ability to produce multiple versions of a single product
●Tools for GDPR regulation compliance
●a single-page checkout form
●The CRON Task Scheduler
●Possibility to rename the admin
●Version 8.1+ of PHP is the bare minimum utilized.
●The layout has changed since the Bootstrap framework, which is being used, has been updated to version 5.
●Version 5 of the font collection Font Awesome
●Added jQuery 3.6.0, a new version of the library
●After installing the new edition, you can see a lot more modifications and enhancements.

There are several considerable advantages to using Opencart 4. Typically, the interface is more user-friendly, and it's easier to find the features you need. In addition, Opencart 4 is more efficient and faster than its predecessor.

While OpenCart 4.0 is still relatively new, it has already made a big impact in eCommerce stores. In terms of features, OpenCart 4.0 boasts a number of significant improvements over its predecessor, OpenCart 3.0.

Compatible PHP Version
OpenCart 3 is designed to work with PHP 7.1 or later, while Opencart 4 is compatible with PHP 8.1 or later. Earlier versions of Opencart (3.x) are not compatible with PHP 8.1, and therefore cannot be upgraded to Opencart 4.

If you are running an older version of PHP on your server, you will need to upgrade to a newer version in order to install Opencart 4. Once you have upgraded your PHP version, you will then be able to install Opencart 4 and take advantage of its new features and improvements.

Code Structure
OpenCart 4 vs OpenCart 3 both use a modular structure for code, which means that each functionality is kept in its own module. This makes it easy to customize the functionality of the platform to suit your specific needs. In addition, the modular code structure ensures that upgrades are quick and easy to implement, as only the relevant modules need to be updated.

OpenCart 4 introduces a new directory structure, which is designed to be more consistent and easier to understand. In addition, OpenCart 4 uses namespaces for code, which helps to avoid name clashes between different modules. As a result, the overall code structure of OpenCart 4 is more robust and easier to work with than that of OpenCart 3. Also, Opencart 4 offers a flexible and scalable solution for any eCommerce business.

The code structure of OpenCart 3 is based on the MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework. MVC is a software architecture pattern that divides a program into three parts: the model, the view, and the controller. The model represents the data, the view displays the data, and the controller handles the user input.

Database structure of OpenCart 4 vs OpenCart 3
OpenCart 3
Opencart 3 uses a MySQL database. The main benefit of using a MySQL database is that it can be easily accessed and updated using a variety of tools. Opencart 3 also supports the use of other databases, such as PostgreSQL, but MySQL is the recommended database for most users.

The structure of the Opencart 3 database is modular, making it easy to add new features and functionality. The core tables in the database function to store product data, customer data, order data, and other essential information. In addition, there are several third-party plugins that add additional tables to the database.

These plugins can add support for custom fields, payment methods, shipping methods, and much more. As a result, the Opencart 3 database is highly flexible and can be easily customized to meet the needs of any online store.

OpenCart 4
The OpenCart 4 vs OpenCart 3 database structure is similar, but there are some important differences to be aware of. The biggest difference is that OpenCart 4 uses a NoSQL database, which means that it does not use the traditional relational model. This makes it more flexible and scalable, but it also means that there are some trade-offs in terms of performance and ease of use.

Another difference is that OpenCart 4 uses a schema-less database, which means that data can be stored in any format. This makes it easy to store and query data, but it also means that there is no strict structure to follow.

Finally, OpenCart 4 uses a document-oriented database, which means that data is stored in documents instead of tables. This makes it more scalable and flexible, but it also means that there is no strict structure to follow.

Website Loading Speed
Opencart comparison
Website loading speed

The loading speed of OpenCart 4 vs OpenCart 3 can be compared by the following metrics: page size, number of requests, and time to the first byte. OpenCart 3 has a larger page size, but fewer requests. The time to the first byte is slower for OpenCart 3. OpenCart 4 has a smaller page size and more requests. The time to the first byte is faster for OpenCart 4.

In general, OpenCart 4 is faster than OpenCart 3 when it comes to loading pages and processing requests. This can be attributed to the fact that OpenCart 4 uses a new framework that is designed for improved performance. As a result, customers are more likely to have a positive experience on an OpenCart 4 site, which can lead to increased sales and conversions.

The most stable OpenCart version
According to the user community, the most stable version of OpenCart is OpenCart (the final version of OpenCart 3). This release includes several improvements and bug fixes, such as improved support for MySQL 8, improved security when using VQMod, and increased stability when using the payment and shipping methods.

This version is known to be the most stable one so far, with many new features and improvements that make it even easier to use. One of the biggest new features is the built-in support for multiple languages. This means that you can now reach a wider audience with your online store.

In addition, OpenCart also includes improved support for mobile devices, as well as various security enhancements. If you are running an online business, then you should definitely use this version of OpenCart.

OpenCart 4 vs OpenCart 3: Which one is better?
If you're new to Opencart, you might be wondering which version is right for you. While both Opencart 4 vs Opencart 3 have their pros and cons, we think that, for new users, Opencart 3 is a better choice. Here's why:

First of all, Opencart 4 is still relatively new – the very first version was only released 1 month ago. Because it's so new, there are bound to be more bugs than in the older, more established Opencart 3.
In addition, support for Opencart 4 is still somewhat limited – there aren't as many extensions and themes available yet, and the community isn't as large.
One key difference is in the number of modules available. OpenCart 4 has been out for less than a month, and there are only three sub-versions available. This means that the number of modules that support OpenCart 4 is smaller and more limited.
To sum up
OpenCart eCommerce platform has been around for over a decade. Over the years, it has undergone several major updates, with the most recent being the release of OpenCart 4.0. This was recently confirmed by the development team, who have been working hard on developing and testing the new version.

If you are currently running OpenCart 3, please be aware that there may be some bumps in the road ahead as you make the switch to OpenCart 4. And there are a lot of considerations between OpenCart 4 vs OpenCart 3. However, we believe this new version is well worth it for its improved stability and features. And with the help of a reliable OpenCart migration tool, you can make this switch much more easily!

The statement the author provided outlines several changes between OpenCart 3 and OpenCart 4, and it is mostly accurate based on current available information. Here's a breakdown of the key points:
  • OCMOD not supported: Correct. OpenCart 4 has moved away from OCMOD, relying on an event-driven architecture instead for module integration, meaning developers must adapt their modules to use Events rather than OCMOD.
  • Folder structure for extensions: This is also correct. In OpenCart 4, each extension now has its own directory under the new /extension/ folder, eliminating the intermediate "extension" folder. This change is aimed at improving module organization and modular development.
  • Product block in list templates: The shift of the product block to product/thumb.twig is accurate. This change simplifies how developers handle front-end modifications, such as buttons or stickers for products.
  • Pagination in common/pagination.twig: Correct. Pagination logic has been consolidated into this template.
  • Multiple versions of a single product: This feature has been introduced, allowing store owners to create product variants, which was not available in OpenCart 3 by default.
  • GDPR compliance tools: These tools have been added in OpenCart 4 to assist with handling customer data in compliance with privacy regulations.
  • Single-page checkout: This improvement enhances the checkout experience by consolidating the process into one page.
  • CRON task scheduler: The introduction of a CRON scheduler is another new feature in OpenCart 4.
  • Renaming admin folder: OpenCart 4 allows renaming the admin directory for security purposes, as a measure to prevent unauthorized access.
  • PHP 8.1+ requirement: Correct. OpenCart 4 requires a minimum of PHP 8.1 for its operation.
  • Bootstrap 5 and Font Awesome 5: The platform has updated its front-end framework to Bootstrap 5 and upgraded its icons to Font Awesome 5.
  • jQuery 3.6.0: The latest version of the jQuery library is used in OpenCart 4.
In summary, the changes mentioned between OpenCart 3 and OpenCart 4 are factual and reflect the significant updates made in the platform's architecture, module management, and usability.

作者提供的描述关于 OpenCart 3 和 OpenCart 4 之间的变化基本上是准确的,以下是每个要点的中文解释:
  • 不支持 OCMOD:这是正确的。在 OpenCart 4 中,OCMOD 不再被支持,转而采用基于事件的架构。这意味着开发者必须适应使用事件系统来集成模块,而不是依赖 OCMOD。
  • 扩展的文件夹结构:这个描述也是正确的。在 OpenCart 4 中,每个扩展都在新的 /extension/ 目录下拥有自己的文件夹,这种变动优化了模块的管理,并使模块化开发更有条理。
  • 产品块在列表模板中的调整:产品块移动到 product/thumb.twig 的描述是正确的。这简化了开发者对前端的修改,如产品按钮或贴纸的更改。
  • 分页模板的调整:正确。分页逻辑现在集中在 common/pagination.twig 模板中。
  • 单个产品的多个版本:这个功能在 OpenCart 4 中确实被引入,允许店主创建产品的不同版本(如不同颜色或尺寸),这是 OpenCart 3 中默认缺乏的功能。
  • GDPR 合规工具:OpenCart 4 添加了 GDPR 合规工具,帮助管理客户数据以符合隐私法规。
  • 单页结账:这个改进将结账过程简化为一个页面,提升了用户体验。
  • CRON 任务调度器:OpenCart 4 新增了 CRON 任务调度器这一功能。
  • 重命名管理员文件夹:OpenCart 4 允许重命名管理员目录,以增加安全性,防止未经授权的访问。
  • PHP 8.1+ 要求:这是正确的。OpenCart 4 需要至少 PHP 8.1 版本才能运行。
  • Bootstrap 5 和 Font Awesome 5:平台已经更新了前端框架,使用 Bootstrap 5 和升级后的 Font Awesome 5 图标。
  • jQuery 3.6.0:OpenCart 4 使用了 jQuery 库的最新版本 3.6.0。
总的来说,提到的这些变化准确地反映了 OpenCart 4 在架构、模块管理和用户体验方面的重大更新。

  • 数据管理与记录:工具可以帮助企业跟踪和记录他们所处理的个人数据,包括数据来源、使用目的和存储位置,以满足GDPR关于数据透明度的要求。
  • 用户同意管理:GDPR要求企业在处理个人数据之前获得用户的明确同意。这些工具可以简化同意的获取、管理和记录流程。
  • 隐私影响评估:一些合规工具提供功能,帮助企业进行隐私影响评估(DPIA),识别和评估数据处理活动的隐私风险。
  • 数据安全性:合规工具可以协助企业实施数据保护措施,比如数据加密、访问控制和监控,以防止数据泄露或未授权访问。
  • 用户权利管理:根据GDPR,用户有权访问、更正和删除他们的个人数据。这些工具可以帮助企业方便地响应用户请求。
  • 合规报告:GDPR要求企业定期进行合规审查,某些工具提供报告功能,以帮助企业评估其合规状况并生成审计报告。

OCMOD(OpenCart Modification)是一种用于OpenCart平台的扩展机制,允许开发者在不直接修改核心代码的情况下,对其进行自定义和增强。以下是OCMOD的几个关键特点:
  • 无缝集成:OCMOD通过使用XML文件来描述修改,从而可以将更改应用到系统中,而无需对原始核心文件进行手动编辑。这种方式有助于在更新OpenCart版本时减少兼容性问题。
  • 易于管理:通过OpenCart的后台管理界面,用户可以轻松安装、启用或禁用OCMOD扩展,允许非技术用户也能管理他们的商店功能。
  • 事件系统:OCMOD使用事件驱动的架构,使开发者能够在特定操作(如产品添加、订单处理等)发生时执行自定义代码。这种灵活性使得开发者能够根据需要扩展和定制功能。
  • 社区支持:由于OCMOD是OpenCart的原生扩展机制,许多开发者和社区成员提供了大量支持和现成的扩展,帮助用户快速实现所需功能。
  • OpenCart Documentation on OCMOD
  • What is OCMOD?

CRON任务调度器是一种用于定期执行命令或脚本的工具,广泛应用于类Unix操作系统(如Linux和macOS)中。通过CRON,用户可以设置定时任务(称为“cron jobs”),这些任务可以在指定的时间间隔内自动运行。以下是CRON任务调度器的一些主要特点和功能:
  • 定时执行:CRON允许用户设定特定的时间、日期和频率来运行任务。例如,可以安排每日、每周或每月执行的脚本或命令。
  • 灵活性:CRON任务可以执行各种类型的命令,包括系统命令、脚本(如Shell脚本或Python脚本)和应用程序。这种灵活性使得CRON能够满足各种自动化需求。
  • 简单配置:用户可以通过编辑crontab文件来设置CRON任务,格式清晰,便于理解和管理。每个任务的配置包括时间设置和要执行的命令。
  • 后台运行:CRON任务通常在后台运行,不会干扰用户的正常操作。这意味着即使用户未登录,定时任务仍然可以按计划执行。
  • 监控和日志:CRON可以记录任务的执行情况,便于用户查看和调试。这对于确保任务按预期运行至关重要。

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

 楼主| 发表于 5 天前 | 显示全部楼层
OpenCart was officially released on September 16, 2023, following a two-month wait since version This release marks a significant step towards stability for the OpenCart 4.x.x.x branch. One of the key improvements is the ability to switch languages "out of the box" without needing additional fixes, which hasn't been possible in previous version 4 releases. The platform also sees a noticeable speed improvement, especially with module installation.

However, the update isn't without its challenges. Issues like an incomplete subscription system and flawed CNC (Canonical Name Configuration) functionality persist. The CNC problem prevents users from removing the language prefix from URLs even when only one language is set for the store. While the subscription system is only necessary for specific types of stores, the CNC issue affects everyone and will need to be addressed.

Another development on the horizon is the potential return of the ocmod modification system, as hinted by OpenCart developer Daniel Kerr. OCMOD simplifies the process of modifying and extending OpenCart without changing core files, which has been a point of contention for developers since the shift to the Events-based extension system in OpenCart Many developers paused their extension work because of the increased complexity, and Kerr's announcement, backed by a community poll, suggests that the next release could see ocmod reinstated, along with an integrated blog and improvements to the subscription system.

The return of ocmod is expected to rejuvenate development in the OpenCart ecosystem, making it easier to adapt old extensions and create new ones for the 4.x.x.x branch. Version is now ready for building simple online stores, though compatibility issues with modules could still arise in future updates. Upgrading to this new version is just a few clicks away, but users should remain cautious until more is known about ocmod's reimplementation and its impact on module compatibility.

OpenCart 于 2023 年 9 月 16 日正式发布,这是继 版本发布后的两个月内推出的新版本。这一版本标志着 OpenCart 4.x.x.x 分支在稳定性上取得了显著进展,其中一个重要的改进是可以“开箱即用”地切换语言,且无需额外的修正。这也是自 4.0 版本发布以来的首次改进。此外,平台的速度也有所提升,尤其是在模块安装速度上表现明显。

然而,这次更新并非没有问题。诸如不完整的订阅系统和有缺陷的 CNC(Canonical Name Configuration)功能等问题依然存在。CNC 的问题使得即便系统中只有一种语言,用户也无法去除 URL 中的语言前缀。尽管订阅系统仅对某些特定类型的商店有用,但 CNC 问题影响到了所有用户,未来仍需解决。
OpenCart 的开发者 Daniel Kerr 还透露了 ocmod 修改系统的回归,这将简化修改 OpenCart 核心文件的流程,自从 OpenCart 开始转向基于 Events 的扩展系统后,开发者的开发工作变得更加复杂,许多开发者因此暂停了对扩展的开发。Kerr 表示社区中的大部分用户支持 ocmod 的回归,因此下一个版本可能会重新引入 ocmod 系统,并推出集成的博客和改进的订阅系统。

ocmod 的回归有望为 OpenCart 生态系统带来新的活力,使旧版扩展更容易适配新版,并加快新模块的开发。 版本已可以用于构建简单的在线商店,但未来的更新中可能会出现模块兼容性问题。现在更新到这个版本只需几次点击,但用户在 ocmod 的重新实施及其对模块兼容性的影响尚未明朗之前,仍需保持谨慎。



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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

 楼主| 发表于 5 天前 | 显示全部楼层

OpenCart 4 的最新版本 最大的问题是它尚未包含 OCMOD 很多开发者期望OCMOD回归 这个是看点

The latest version, OpenCart v4, offers improved performance and greater scalability. It introduces new features such as a notification system, GDPR compliance tools, product variants, and a more streamlined store settings interface. One significant change is the new directory structure for extensions, which are now housed in a dedicated /extension/ folder. The user interface has been redesigned to be more intuitive and efficient, providing a better overall experience.
OpenCart v3:
Version 3 is a more established and stable release, with a larger collection of existing extensions and themes. The OpenCart community is more familiar with v3, which may provide broader support options and a more extensive range of resources.
Key Considerations:
  • Compatibility: If your extension depends on features that have been significantly changed or removed in v4, additional development may be required to update it.
  • User Base: If many of your users are transitioning to v4 or requesting compatibility with the new version, it might be worthwhile to prioritize v4 support.
  • Future-Proofing: Supporting the latest version can help ensure your extension remains relevant as the community gradually shifts to v4.
Since OpenCart v4 is relatively new, it may have more bugs and fewer available extensions compared to v3. However, it represents the future of the platform, and adopting v4 support early can help you stay ahead of the curve. Planning for v4 compatibility will also position you to offer a better experience for users of your extension.
Ultimately, the decision should be based on your development resources and the needs of your user base. Gathering feedback directly from your users can help guide your choice.

OpenCart v4 是最新版本,提供了更高的性能和扩展性。它引入了诸如通知系统、GDPR 合规工具、产品变体以及更简洁的商店设置界面等新功能。一个显著变化是扩展的目录结构,扩展现在被存放在专用的 /extension/ 文件夹中。用户界面也经过了重新设计,更加直观高效,为用户提供了更好的体验。
OpenCart v3:
版本 3 是一个更成熟和稳定的版本,拥有更多现有的扩展和主题。OpenCart 社区对 v3 更为熟悉,因此可以提供更广泛的支持选项和丰富的资源。
  • 兼容性: 如果你的扩展依赖于 v4 中被大幅更改或删除的功能,那么可能需要投入更多的精力进行更新。
  • 用户基础: 如果大量用户正在迁移到 v4 或要求兼容 v4,优先考虑支持 v4 可能是值得的。
  • 未来发展: 支持最新版本可以确保你的扩展在社区逐步转向 v4 时保持相关性。
由于 OpenCart v4 相对较新,可能会有更多的 bug,且可用的扩展数量较少。但它代表了平台的未来方向,提前支持 v4 能帮助你保持竞争力,并为扩展用户提供更好的体验。

"The latest version of OpenCart 4 still has some bugs, but it is usable. The biggest issue is the lack of OCMOD, which means most extension developers are not upgrading their extensions yet. Without OCMOD, the extensions need to be completely rewritten.
The next release of OpenCart 4 will include OCMOD, and at that point, extensions will start becoming available for it. This release is expected soon."
OpenCart 4 的最新版本虽然仍然存在一些 bug,但已经可以使用。最大的问题是它尚未包含 OCMOD,因此大多数扩展开发者还没有升级他们的扩展,因为没有 OCMOD,他们需要彻底重写扩展。
下一版本的 OpenCart 4 将会包含 OCMOD,届时扩展将会开始陆续推出。这一版本预计很快就会发布。

下一版本的 OpenCart 4 不仅会包含 OCMOD,还将集成博客功能。这意味着用户将能够直接在 OpenCart 平台上创建和管理博客内容,而不再需要依赖第三方扩展。此外,这将为商家提供更好的内容营销工具,帮助他们在店铺中添加博客文章、更新新闻,或者发布相关的产品信息,增强用户互动和品牌推广。

OpenCart 4 has already been released as of May 2022. The platform introduced many updates, including security improvements, GDPR compliance, product variants, and more. However, no official date has been confirmed yet for when a native blog feature will be integrated directly into OpenCart 4.
For now, you can use third-party extensions from the OpenCart marketplace to add blog functionality to your store Opencart.


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