经常听到有人说,民间有一句俗语,叫“吃哪儿补哪儿”, 吃啥补啥,暂且不论这个说法是否正确,其实我基本断定,大概率范围内,是没有任何道理的。只不过,这里不谈科学问题,吃喝问题,营养问题,这里只是聊聊这个英语翻译,看要怎么翻译才好。
下面都是网友回答,谨慎鉴别翻译的质量!! 请大家发言,评论这些翻译怎么样:
*You are what you eat.
*What to eat and what to fill.
*People benefits from what they eat.
“吃什么补什么” “吃啥补啥” “吃哪儿补哪儿”,这里最关键的是这个“补”的翻译。
有网友说,能 be good for health, make up for it,有中文里的“补” 的意思。也许可以参考下这个简单的翻译。
补补(補)[bǔ] 动1.■ (修理;修补) repair; mend; patch:补鞋repair [mend] shoes;补车胎mend a puncture;修桥补路build bridges and repair roads;补漏stop up holes;补一补have it repaired;补袜子darn socks;补衣服patch clothes2.■ (补充; 补足;填补) fill up; add supplement; supply; make up for:弥补赤字make up [meet] a deficit;把漏了的字补上supply the missing words;我们还得补3个人。We have three vacancies to be filled.; We need three more people.3.■ (补养) nourish:补身体build up one's health (with nourishing food or tonics);补血enrich the blood;补元气help restore vitality;滋补nourish 名1.■ [书] (利益; 用处) benefit; help; use:无补于事do not help matters;不无小补not be without some advantage; be of some help;空言无补。A mere verbal statement is of no help.2.■ (姓氏) a surname:补真Bu Zhen