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读到小说里写的,“大开杀戒”, 要怎么翻译英语才地道呢?









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她一闻到血腥味 就会大开杀戒
If she smells blood, she goes in for the kill.
子民将会依附魔法 大开杀戒。
people will turn to magic for kill.
我们找到这个东西及其追随者 我们大开杀戒
We find this thing and its acolytes, we slaughter the lot of them.
Blood money paid to stem the slaughter he wreaked upon them with his armies.
别忘了他四年前曾大开杀戒 差点刺杀了俄国总统
Let's not forget the killing spree that he went on four years ago, when he nearly assassinated the Russian president
6年前,查尔斯史达魏德... 在内布拉斯加州大开杀戒,使11人丧生
Six years earlier, Charles murdered 11 people in a Nebraska killing spree.
这是杭特兄弟的车 准备大开杀戒了
Here's the Hunt Brothers' car, prepared for the kill.
Those men were willing to kill for this key.
在我们的前线据点上 大开杀戒
And they have slaughtered our forward deployed!
那就是你和我的不同之处 珀西 任何时候你对任何人都会大开杀戒
That's the difference between you and me, Percy... you'll kill anyone, at any time.
It rushed forth to kill, and ran away into the jungle.
雄性在意识到他必须得到他保护着的雌性时就会分秒必争 大开杀戒
The male wastes no time and goes in for the kill when he realizes he has to go for the female, who he's protecting.
那么下一步是什么呢? 我不知道。 在那些旧日子里,女神大开杀戒是无问题的。
Now what will be the next, I don't know! It was alright in those days for the Goddess to kill.
居然还大开杀戒 我要你死无葬身之地
Now, you have even killed I want you to be completely destroyed
有了天桥通往人间 巨人下凡大开杀戒
With a bridge now before them to the world of men a plague of giants descends.
Looks like blood will be shed today
If only you know how pretty you are in blue.
What of the lives you took on Earth?
韦德曼被控大开杀戒 夺去六人性命
Weidmann was accused of a murder spree that took six lives.
I'm going to have myself a massacre, you're dead!
Is it reasonable to believe that they would kill again to protect that secret?
I haven't shot anyone in a long time.
Why didn't you kill them?
但他此刻正在外面大开杀戒如果他有机会 也会对我下手
But he's out there, killing people right now - including me, if he gets the chance.
and now we just blow it up because our car's running out of petrol.
But the daughter crawled into a cabinet and hid there while he tore the house apart.
We got to find out what's nearby That's worth killing for.
there is still hope that Pyongyang will opt against running amok in East Asia, thereby keeping Japan's military from playing with high-tech US toys just yet
If he had his heart broken recently, that could be the reason for the spree.
如果我吃这些药的话 我会大开杀戒的
If I didn't take these things I'd be committing mass murder.
如果发生这种事, 我会大开杀戒
If that ever happens, I'll be just as rough.
Tell me who did it and I'll just leave a puddle.
让敌军在对岸大开杀戒 我们就不会有家可归
Well, there won't be any home if we allow a slaughter across the Channel.
But before we begin the massacre, I'd like to go over the rules.
如果他决定闯入银行去杀人... 他就会大开杀戒
If he decides to go into kill somebody, he'll just fire away.
What if I had given up on you when you went homicidal?
好吧 我们会去看看... 小路 如果剑在他那儿他更可能去大开杀戒而不是把它藏起来
Okay, we'll check it out... Luci, if he's the one with the blade, he's much more likely to go on a killing spree than to stash it.
我们不能寄希望于此 一旦他睡着了就会再开始大开杀戒的
We can't trust he'll succeed, and when he falls asleep, he'll start hunting again.
She's probably killed for less.
My eyes kept returning to a blue kite that had been wreaking havoc for the last hour.
Or do those concerned imagine that the security they seek for themselves will be achieved by stepping up the killing, intimidation and starvation of others?
In others, Congolese soldiers have massacred civilians in the Kivus perceived to support the rebels, or otherwise seen to be ethnic or political rivals.
有冷冻表演 惊悚表演和大开杀戒表演
Well, we have chills, thrills, and plenty of kills.
杜特尔特支持并鼓励`反毒战争`大开杀戒,同时对那些胆敢质疑他侵犯人权的人士予以报复 。
"Duterte has supported and incited 'drug war' killings while retaliating against those fearless enough to challenge his assault on human rights."
你是谁? - 我是今晚对你的手下大开杀戒的人
The guy who's been killing your boys all night.
你在丛林混的时间够久 足以让你明白 当狮子大开杀戒,豺狼从中得利
You've been in the jungle long enough to know that when the lion kills, it's the jackal that profits.
Okay, we'll do some killing for you, but don't ask us to stand up and cheer.
可我到达后 我要逮捕的人... 是个大开杀戒的女性超人类吗
But when I got here, the person I was supposed to arrest... Was a meta-human who had no problem murdering people?
Thousands of strigoi purging the whole city, killing every human being they can.
那么 等警察不在高楼区大开杀戒了好的
So, when them police stop busting heads up in them Towers... All right.
Hello, gangs from this neighborhood killing gangs from that neighborhood.
Though there have been 49 deaths "related to swine flu" in Britain so far, officials point out that such a verdict does not mean the disease delivered the killing blow.
确定了 总部不能派卡车过来 我们必须大开杀戒
They're not sending the trucks.
Curtis went crazy in Grillo's office.
So, why did this croc attack on land?
若被德军发现 他们会大开杀戒
If they discover we're leaving, they'll go all out to destroy us.
Steven Price flipped out, went on a killing spree.
这个人会再大开杀戒 请大家避难
There will be a service for E.B. in the egg painting room. Carrots and coffee to follow.
马文,我有预感 今天我们会大开杀戒
Mr Fox, I'm sure you're a good broker, but our traders deal with the brokers.
He's out there spilling blood from hell to breakfast, trying to make me feel bad.
他们这么不配合 我只好大开杀戒了
I tried to do this clean, but they wouldn't let me. So now we do it messy.
Many independent observers believe the Government to have been responsible for the murders in retaliation for the murder of the brother of the Sindh Chief Minister.
除掉了四个巴特帮兄弟 现在是大开杀戒的最好时机
I'd say with four less Baxters, right now is as good a time to start as any.
但也很厉害 为了满足对血的需求而大开杀戒
But also a fierce killer... now capable of the ruthless pursuit of blood with all a child's demanding.
They wiped out the whole wedding party, execution-style.
It doesn't matter if the devil himself rises up from hell and starts killing people around here as long as no one sees him do it.
雅典娜要追求者 不断骚扰奥德赛 逼他在狂怒之下大开杀戒
Athena wants the suitors to keep invading Odysseus' house... so that he'll get angry enough to kill them.
Headquarters has been breached, man. We need to peel caps and split wigs.
一开始他想控制住自己 然后就大开杀戒
At first he keeps it under control, then suddenly he lashes out to kill.
你也不能再率领手下 大开杀戒
After last night's bloodbath... I'm terminating your war on terrorists.
但机器部分功能失常 他在大开杀戒
The robotic part of him is malfunctioning, and he's shooting up the building.
若被德军发现 他们会大开杀戒
Now, I've designed this like a collapsing bag.
Look. They're about to go on a killing spree here.
我们的主要证人周二去被告办公室里 大开杀戒
Our lead witness decided to go on a suicidal rampage at the defendant's office on Tuesday.
而且是冒天下之大不韪 很多人甚至会为此大开杀戒
The kind of rules that a lot of people don't want to see broken, to the point that they would kill over it.
如果我们不阻止这东西 它就会大开杀戒的
If we don't stop this thing, it's going to kill a lot more people.
I almost did something on Purge Night that would've destroyed a lot of lives.
我们暂且不大开杀戒, -除非证据确凿!
I mean, if you're auto-tuned, it's like anybody could be a rock star.
收到 周四视频会议 我已经准备好 大开杀戒
Got it. Conference call Thursday, tee it up for the big guns.
读过几行字 就想要冲破世界大开杀戒 推翻权威
You read a few lines, and you're ready to blow up the world, chop heads off, destroy authority.
And yet, we face an enemy willing to use all the means at its disposal to kill without restraint and without distinction.
有人察觉了他们的弱点 一位名叫哥巴塔尔的年轻骑士 背叛了他们 在一场血腥的战役中 据说他大开杀戒
Sensing their weakness a young rider named Galbatorix betrayed them and in a single bloody battle, believed he had killed them all riders and dragons alike.
What if we give the queen what she wants and just hope she goes in peace?
Curbside's banging all over us on Bloods.
每次他一现身 就会大开杀戒 整个海滩都能被血染红
Every time he appears, he leaves a scene of massacre that turns the whole beach blood red.
但我得承认 当你冲破监禁大开杀戒时真是荣耀加身
But I must say when you rushed through the breach and started cutting people down... it was glorious.
光这样就在古根汉姆大开杀戒... 若银行知道我如此逼近你
But if a hit team at the Guggenheim is what happens because I was getting too close to him what do you think the bank'll do when it realizes how close I am to you?
拦着我大开杀戒可一点都不像你 麦子
It's not like you to get in the way of a good eviscerating, Maze.
米洛 这很危险, 你乖乖别动 我要去大开杀戒了
Milo, this could be dangerous.
在你跟男友组队 大开杀戒前 你要设立一条垃圾食物防线
You're preparing a junk food defense before you team up with your boyfriend and go on a killing spree.
近来人们似乎嫌死的不够快 不断发明新武器以大开杀戒
They call upon science to invent new, more efficient weapons to depopulate the Earth.
You're acting like a rookie. Splitting wigs and stepping on caps.
如此美味 大开杀戒 只为一尝滋味
So good, you'd kill for just one more taste.
是享乐的时候 大开杀戒 是享乐的时候
d Now it's high time d Going in for the kill d Now it's high time d Going in for the kill...
而且大开杀戒 把他们的家彻底毁灭
Won't be nothing but powder and steel here.
我身边的女神大笑着 恶狠狠地大开杀戒
The Valkyrie at my side is shouting and laughing with the pure, hateful, bloodthirsty joy of the slaughter,
那么今早在贝肯街大开杀戒的 是三个和你们长得很像人喽?
So there's just three other white boys that looked just like you that ripped up a whole house on Bacon Street?
即使你大开杀戒 把肮脏的病菌传给无辜的人
Even though you murder and spread your filthy disease on pure base instinct.
当看到你们大开杀戒 然后还能大摇大摆地离开现场
When I saw you guys take out that whole house and walk out without a scratch,
现在要怎么处理? -管它的 大开杀戒吧
What's the book say? - We're off book. I say split some wigs.
The killings being committed by armed terrorist groups in Syria prove once again that the fundamental task before the United Nations, and particularly the Security Council, is to stop violence and counter- terrorism wherever it occurs.
He worked for some very powerful people who are willing to kill for what you stole, and I'm the only person standing in between you and them.
在视频会议电话中,说话人声音断断续续,图像突然中断。或者当你正准备"大开杀戒"时线上游戏突然卡住, 结果你发现自己已经"死"了。
Video conference calls where the voices jitter and the images break. An online game that freezes just as you're going for the kill, only to find you've been killed.
As if they'd forgotten who they were.
La Hire: La Hire wishes to kill something.
布莱恩 你不能再玩那套 独闯虎穴 大开杀戒了
But he never gets to be a real dog.
猪排炒饭 All ready to feed the crowd!
Sylvia Amsler: This is not an unnatural, or aberrant behavior in any way, but actually has positive reproductive consequences for the males who do it.
鳄鱼通常会把猎物拽进水里再彻底杀死 为何这只鳄鱼在岸上大开杀戒?
Crocodiles drag their victims into water to finish them.
Why did the much-liked corrections officer unleash on his fellow guards?
她为了让台比留继承王位 大开杀戒 就像尼克森
She killed everyone so her son could be king.
但当我到这儿的时候 我本该逮捕的那个人是个大开杀戒的女变异人
But when I got here, the person I was supposed to arrest... Was a meta human who had no problem murdering people?
You'll have it ready in the time I gave you or you'll sit by and you'll watch me do just what I said I would do. Clear?
"Turn around for a minute," He said, and I turned to let him sign it.
那笔钱在我手上了 不容易啊,我可是大开杀戒才拿到的
I have the money Alex. Had to kill a lot of people to get it. So listen up.
Marines kicking down doors and murdering men, women and children in their pyjamas: nothing could better reinforce the caricature of trigger-happy superpowerdom on the rampage.
Just before he went on his killing spree, Mr Breivik published a 1,500-page manifesto on the internet.
So no knuckle sandwiches under no circumstances.
布伦恩 你不能再玩那套 独闯虎穴 大开杀戒了
Courtesy of the French government for past services rendered.
他一直想摆脱大开杀戒的梦靥 但他需要死亡和鲜血 需要把它们看作生命的一个部分
He's been trying to put his ripper days behind him, but he needs to see death and blood and deal with them as a part of life.
It gave me the blue balls for the bloodlust.
The movers appear to have ignored the fact that the worst crime and killing spree in its history was waged by violent criminal gangs during the period 2002 -2008 leading to the murder or permanent maiming of hundreds of men, women and children.
But Pangong Gong Dong Chang Pei Zhicheng with all the money and property to win over a weak Ji, Ji decided to afford more money to continue to slaughter? 3?
加利福尼亚州圣巴巴拉县警长比尔·布朗(Bill Brown)周日上午表示,涉嫌周五晚间在该州南部大开杀戒的枪手曾在今年4月成功说服前去探查的警员,他对自己或他人均不构成威胁。
The gunman involved in a killing spree in Southern California on Friday night was able to persuade sheriff's deputies who visited him in April that he was not a threat to himself or to others, the sheriff of Santa Barbara County, Bill Brown, said on Sunday morning.
America's military was last night struggling to come to terms with how and why one of its own could wreak such carnage in the heart of the largest US military base in the world, Fort Hood in Texas.
第二, 十有八九... 我们面对的是一个受到挑衅 就会大开杀戒的士兵... 第三, 你你太兴奋了...
Number two, in all likelihood... we're dealing with a soldier that kills when provoked... and number three, you are so only damage you're likely to inflict is with your breath.
很多犀牛是在南非巨大的野生动物保护区 - 克鲁格国家公园被偷猎的。这座公园坐落在莫桑比克边境线上,多年内战给莫桑比克带来创伤,该国比南非穷得多。公园看守员称,莫桑比克枪手大批穿越克鲁格公园的铁丝网围栏,对犀牛大开杀戒。
Kruger National Park, an enormous wildlife refuge in South Africa's northeast, is where many rhinos are being poached. The park lies on the border with Mozambique, a much poorer country still scarred from years of civil war. Park rangers say Mozambican gunmen are pouring through Kruger's chain link fences, downing rhinos left and right.
我们肯定安全到顶 因为他们不想打草惊蛇 等到后续大部队上山 他们才会大开杀戒
They want us to go up to the top, signal to the others that it's okay, then shoot everybody else as they come up the mountain.
I'll get you! I'll get you!
如果是拿起喷焰灯,你会入侵多个国家,大开杀戒,滥施酷刑 ,让被激怒的、想拼死一博的圣战者队伍激增。
With the blowtorch, you invade a slew of countries with a great blunderbuss of slaughter and torture - and swell the army of enraged jihadis determined to kill.
Our reunion here in this Hall, in this large United Nations family, reminds us that we are survivors, and that it is only a matter of time before the terrorist sword of Damocles dangerously suspended over our heads, may again perpetrate its odious carnage.
It is going to be quite heavy work.'
This doesn't feel like an unsub who's evolving, more like one who's just gotten a real taste for what he needs and is about to go on a feeding frenzy.
The Portuguese starlet wreaked havoc in the 7-1 drubbing of Roma, but Milan hope to avoid the same fate in next week's Champions League semi-final at Old Trafford.
So Prabhakaran pledged himself and his Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam to a path of unremitting carnage.
The Taliban has vowed to seek revenge against what it called "American savages" after a U.S. Army sergeant went on an apparent shooting spree in southern Afghanistan, killing 16 Afghan villagers - many of them children.
3年之后,一个以巴基斯坦为基地的恐怖分子团队在印度的金融中心孟买大开杀戒,扼杀了超过160条生命 - 也扼杀了由此次板球比赛所开创的外交局面。
Three years later, a Pakistan-based terrorist group killed more than 160 people in Mumbai, India's financial capital - and, with them, the diplomatic opening initiated by cricket.
this doesn't feel like an unsub who's evolving, more like one who's just gotten a real taste for what he needs and is about to go on a feeding frenzy.
LOUIS (V. O.): A little child she was, but also a fierce killer, now capable of the ruthless pursuit of blood with all a child's demanding.
He incited the animals of the court to rebel and threw open their cages to set them amok on the palace grounds.
钢铁之枪... 到了那里... 他就像双腿经常夹枪一样走过来鲍里斯直视我的双眼说他正准备 "大开杀戒"... 像罗马勇士一样和我握手达成交易之后 我把调查交给了戴克警探
Guns of steel... Got up there... Walked over like he's constantly got a gun between his legs... Boris looked me in the eye, and he said, He was going to kill... Shook my hand like some kind of Roman warrior... and it was sealed, and I handed over the investigation to Detective Decker.
《被解救的姜戈》讲得是一个曾经是奴隶的赏金猎人为了解救妻子而大开杀戒的故事。这部电影是中国影院上映的第一部由塔伦蒂诺执导的电影,然而就在4月11日上映首日,有关部门突然以"技术原因"为由通知各影院撤下这部电影。网上迅速有大量网友猜测,对片中裸露镜头的担忧可能是导致该片被撤的原因。中国大型国有电影发行商中影集团(China Film Group)没有详细解释停止放映这部电影的决定。
The blood-drenched story of an American slave-turned-bounty hunter trying to free his wife, ※Django was set to be the first film by Mr. Tarantino to enjoy theatrical release in China on April 11 when authorities suddenly told movie chains to pull the film for ※technical reasons. Speculation spread rapidly online that concerns over nudity might have been the culprit. China Film Group, the country*s main state-run film distributor, did not elaborate on the decision to shut screenings down.
The Government points out that in 11 weeks, in which the "parties signatories" condemn the "crimes" of the regime - which have not been established by anyone nor can be established on the basis of accurate facts and truth - that in 11 weeks 21,700 tons of NATO bombs have been dropped on Yugoslavia and that, as the first bombs fell, the leadership of the Albanian separatist movement, over Radio Tirana, called upon its terrorist gangs to engage in killing across Kosovo and Metohija, which caused unforeseeable consequences in this territory.
Time to summon the blood, time to summon the blood.
Li'l Dice became Li'l Z' and he began to kill.
I'll kill anything in my path.
The fourth prince begins his killing at the same time.
或者怀孕了 因此他大开杀戒
Or pregnant. And that's why he's lashing out.
寒冬迅速降临 准备大开杀戒
And the winter is coming on fast Ready to kill
Then, there came the Demons.
He is thirsty for blood.
So many evils! I'll kill them all
I'm in a killing mood.
this way Kid became Ze and started the killings.
I just saw that maniac murder people in the street.
54岁的费斯最近又在电影《王牌特工:特工学院》中饰演了一位优雅而致命的超级间谍 - 哈里.哈特。他身着双排扣西装,脚穿牛津鞋,头戴方框眼镜;前一分钟,他还淡定沉着、文质彬彬,后一分钟他已气势如虹,游刃有余地大开杀戒。正如电影中的一幕,前一秒他还在说着"不知礼,无以立也",后一秒就把一群恶棍揍得分不清南北。在影片中,费斯更是将地道英伦范儿与英式幽默完美结合。
In his recent film, Kingsman: The Secret Service, the 54-year-old actor appears as elegant and lethal superspy Harry Hart, wearing double-breasted suits, oxford shoes and square-frame glasses. One minute he's composed and polite, and then in the next he's skillfully violent and aggressive. For example, in one scene he says, "Manners maketh a man", before severely beating up a group of villains. Firth brings out the perfect mix of typical British style and humor through this performance.
两名铁骑匪洗劫一小镇的酒吧, 横行无忌,扬言会对报警者大开杀戒。西部牛仔表演的演员约翰英勇无惧,用一支没有上弹的枪将两名骑匪制服。
A small, remote desert town is turned upside down when two bikers from the Iron Bandits gang show up at a local bar, rough up the patrons and rob the place.
A few yards away from where President Peres was having lunch in his residence with President Abbas, another terrorist used a bulldozer as a death machine, trying to kill as many people as he could.
辛格的助手原本担心这番声明会引来嘘声,谁知现场却一片欢呼。穆沙拉夫最终亲临德里的Ferozeshah Kotala板球场并见证了巴基斯坦队的胜利。他和辛格还借比赛间隙就双边关系交换了意见,并同意启动"综合性对话"来讨论一直影响两国关系的8大争议性事务。3年之后,一个以巴基斯坦为基地的恐怖分子团队在印度的金融中心孟买大开杀戒,扼杀了超过160条生命 - 也扼杀了由此次板球比赛所开创的外交局面。
He and Singh also found time during the game to talk about bilateral relations, and agreed to launch what came to be called the "composite dialogue," covering eight contentious issues that had soured ties for so long. Three years later, a Pakistan-based terrorist group killed more than 160 people in Mumbai, India's financial capital - and, with them, the diplomatic opening initiated by cricket.
The Taliban has vowed to seek revenge against what it called "American savages" after a U.S. Army sergeant went on an apparent shooting spree in southern Afghanistan, killing 16 Afghan villagers - many of them children. U.S. and Afghan officials say the U.S. soldier walked off his base and attacked homes in the Panjwai district of Kandahar province early Sunday, shooting and killing civilians. Villagers say he set some of the bodies on fire. U.S.-forces stepped up security a day later, as the American embassy warned U.S. citizens in Afghanistan of the possibility of reprisals. The Taliban said Monday it would avenge the death of every Afghan who was killed.The Afghan parliament condemned the killings, urging the U.S. government to punish the culprits and put them on trial in a public court. Afghan lawmakers said Monday they have "run out of patience" with the lack of oversight of foreign solders.
He is ready to kill again.
We fight or we die!
It feels like our unsub's on a spree.
You guys ready for some violence?
Dude, Kenny is fighting Slaughterhouse tonight.
Then they're going to want more blood.
Stay where you are, and blood will be shed.
You're not trigger-happy, are you?
bloodthirstyjoy of the slaughter.
马文,我有预感 今天我们会大开杀戒
Fill my heart with song
You were ready to kill
Now they will kill for revenge.
MacLeish's men went blood-simple.
他会再大开杀戒的 长官
He'll kill again, sir.
Can we slaughter someone now?
We're going to get bloody on this one.
Or do I need to go on a murder spree?
All you do is kill, kill, kill.
We're just a function of natural selection, man... the new race.
这个杀手 正在大开杀戒
You see, this killer, he's on a spree.
我们要大开杀戒 不要傻了,盖儿
We'll go to war.
Nobody's killing anybody.
It's time to play the reaper!
你大开杀戒 吸食人血
You kill. You feed.
He was the first to look away.
Let the killing begin!
Looks like I'm just going to have to kill you
Sam won't will be slaughtered.
Empowering their souls to wreak genocide throughout the Four Lands.
Lokar's come back here again, killing everyone.
You tell him it's open season on suckheads.
?疯狂嗜血 大开杀戒?
? I'm a maniac in the mood for killing?
Whenever leadership comes into question, they tend to murder everyone.
Now, you got a big yen to do some killing?
他一进入巴士 便大开杀戒
Sammy needs meat! There was a Sizzler that we just passed
We're off book. I say split some wigs.
Sometimes, it means killing a whole lot of people.
They're prepared to kill to avoid capture.
They hijack a plane, we take out an airport.
He's already racked up a body count.
We did not sign off on a full-scale rampage.
This may be turning into a spree.




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